Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah; The Legacy Lives On

Perhaps the best way to empathize with someone else’s pain is to genuinely envision oneself in their place.  “Marrying off a child can be the most beautiful time and the most difficult,” pens a parent of a kallah. “The emotions. The tiredness. And the finances…”

“There is nothing that can describe the overwhelming feeling of vulnerability that I had been going through,” writes another parent of a kallah. “ Just as I was about to marry off my fifth child, I was laid off from my work. For me, the simcha began to take the form of many nights of sleeplessness, anguish and intense worry…” 

“My name is Sara bas Sara Imeinu,” relates a giyores. “As a kallah, my joy in finally being given the opportunity to start my own Bayis Ne’eman B’Yisroel was so incomplete. With no family to turn to, my situation seemed hopelessly dismal. How, in the world, would I ever be able to finance the basics of the home that I had dreamt about for so long?!…”

Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah, the Hachnosas Kallah organization whose lofty activities literally span the width and breadth of the United States, genuinely puts itself in the place of those needy Kallahs and their parents. Providing the very basic furnishings – quality mattresses, box springs, and in some cases, dinette sets – to those who would have otherwise been forced to do without, epitomizes the underscored quality of chessed attributed to those after whom the worthy organization was named.

Started as a zechus for a refuah shelaima for the seriously ill Rabbi Zev Weiss and his devoted Rebbitzen, Chashie, by their children – six of whom were unmarried at the time – Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah becomes the loving legacy of a chosheve couple that would not bow to despair, despite the dismal situation. Staunch warriors of Hashem Yisborach, they lived their lives with a remarkable degree of kindness, compassion and concern for others to the very end. Long after this extraordinary couple’s untimely petira, Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah has evolved into an everlasting bequeathed heritage that feels and senses the pain of kallahs as if it was its very own.

“Boruch Hashem, your Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah has been a bright light for us,” exclaims a once distraught mother of a kallah. “Your great chessed of providing beds for young couples is amazing…”

“Boruch Hashem,” shares a relieved and comforted father. “What a burden you lifted off  me and the entire mishpacha!”

“I was directed to Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah who provided me with the simple yet dignified furnishings that I would need to begin a new life together with my chassan,” describes an exuberant Kallah. “Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah has shown me that they and those who support their worthy activities are my genuine family…” 

Working with little overhead and no paid employees, Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah’s dedicated volunteers work discreetly to do background checks and to ensure that the organization’s recipients’ dignity is preserved. In many cases, the chassanim, kallahs, and even their parents have no idea where all the chessed is actually coming from!

Who needs Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah?

Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah’s recipients are your fellow Yidden. They could be your friends, your neighbors. They could even be your own relatives….The people who show a smile on the outside and greet you amiably, as if they had not a care in the world, may indeed be crumbling under the financial pressures of marrying off a child. 

Show your Ahavas Yisroel and truly be nosei b’ol chaveircha. Join Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah at its upcoming Auction. Be part of the eternal loving legacy of Rabbi Zev and Chashie Weiss, z”l and help make your fellow Yid’s simcha complete by furnishing the basics of yet another bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel. 

You can join our live event this Tuesday at 1572 E. 10th Street (O & P). Drawing will take place following event and winners will be posted on our website. 

* You can purchase tickets online at or call 718- 253-1627.


(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. From personal experience in trying to help a Kallah who could not afford to but beds or bed frames, this organiztion is amazing they really help in a most Bakovodik way. The stuff is just delivered without having to involve the Chosson and Kallah.


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