Ahmadinejad: Obama Can’t Spell His Own Name

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attacked Barack Obama on Friday, saying the American president “doesn’t even know how to spell his own name properly.”

During a visit to Bushehr ahead of a scheduled rally in support of his regime, the Iranian leader said, “Obama wants to rule the world, but he can’t even control his own emotions.”

Thousands of Iranians are expected to take to the streets after Friday prayers to show their support for the regime in Tehran and protest against opposition leaders Mir Hussein Moussavi Mehdi Karroubi.

A statement issued by the regime in Tehran said, “The public will unite and express hatred toward the barbaric crimes of the incitement leaders and their hypocritical allies.”

Iranian lawmakers called for opposition leaders to be tried and executed as punishment for the protests that took place in Tehran on Monday and after the disputed 2009 presidential elections.

(Source: Ynet)

8 Responses

  1. Hmmm….A lot of folks here supported the brutal dictator in Egypt; I suspect we will now see a lot of folks here supporting the brutal dictator of Iran.

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