NYPD Chief Joseph Fox: I Wish We Caught Maksim Gelman Sooner

An NYPD chief who attended the funeral Tuesday of a mother and daughter fatally stabbed in Brooklyn said he’ll always be pained by not catching the suspect sooner.

“I was in command of the hunt for this manifestation of evil,” Assistant Chief Joseph Fox told mourners at the funeral of Anna and Yelena Bulchenko.

Maksim Gelman, 23, fatally stabbed his mother’s boyfriend to death before killing the Bulchenkos and, later, a pedestrian, police said.

“I will always regret that we weren’t able to stop him sooner,” Fox said. “I will remember Anna and Yelena for the rest of my life.”

Fox, 54, has been on the force for 29 years and is now a borough commander in charge of 13 precincts in southern Brooklyn.

He’s been touched by tragedy before. His 31-year-old nephew and godson, Firefighter Michael Roberts, was killed in the 9/11 terror attacks.

Fox has long made a habit of speaking with relatives of crime victims to express his sympathy. And he prides himself on improving the NYPD’s relationship with communities.

He won praise last year from the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community for reaching out to relatives of an 8-year-old boy who died falling in front of a bus after slipping on ice.

Fox has been an assistant chief since 1999 and has worked in precincts all over Brooklyn, including Sheepshead Bay, where, cops say, Gelman began his crime spree.

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(Source: NY Daily News)

4 Responses

  1. I have met Chief Fox a number of times, and he is an amazing person. He is as respectful of frum people as anyone you’ll ever meet, and if I’m not mistaken, has a frum police officer under his direct command that serves as a liason.

  2. Maksim Gelman, 23, fatally stabbed his mother’s boyfriend to death before killing the Bulchenkos and, later, a pedestrian, police said.

    Shouldn’t it be his ex-girlfriend’s mother?

  3. This is because the legislature in Albany repealed the “Rockefeller Drug Laws”. It is legislative imposed anarchy now in the streets of New York City!

  4. princesssy,
    He fatally stabbed following three in this order: his mom’s boyfriend, his ex’s mother, his ex. He also killed a Jewish pedestrian while driving like a maniac. Then the guy proceeded at robbing and cutting(non fatally) in an irrational manner instead of running away/hiding. Looks like a psychiatric case to me.

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