United Grounds Its Boeing 757 Fleet

United Airlines has grounded 96 Boeing 757 airliners for “unscheduled maintenance,” an airline spokesman said Tuesday.

The grounding meant that some of the airline’s flights would be canceled or delayed Tuesday night and Wednesday, spokesman Rahsaan Johnson said.

“Specifically … United is performing follow-up maintenance checks starting today to the air data computers on its 96 Boeing 757s,” Johnson said. “All of the air data computers are fully functional. The checks are necessary as part of a modification process to the system.”

Johnson, who said the checks have already begun, said the procedures takes about 60 to 90 minutes per aircraft and that the airline should be ready to return to full service within the next 12 to 24 hours.

The Federal Aviation Administration said United’s action involves its compliance with an airworthiness directive issued in 2004 that required a modification to the air data computer system to ensure that flight crews would be able to stop an overspeed or stall warning that sounded in error.

“This is a voluntary action on United’s part, and we will follow up as necessary,” said the FAA’s Laura Brown.

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(Source: CNN)

2 Responses

  1. sounds like something we were warned about almost 12 months ago.

    anyone know if this was limited to United United or was it United Continental too. (These mergers can make you nuts!)

  2. mark, this is an AD based on boeing’s Service Bulletin 757-34A0222, Revision 1, dated July 17, 2003.

    it applies to Boeing Model 747-400, 747-400D, 747-400F, 757-200, 757-200PF, 757-200CB, 767-200, 767-300, and 767-300F series aircraft, requires installing certain new circuit breakers, relays and related components and making various wiring changes in and between the flight deck and main equipment center.

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