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Cabbie Returns $100K Worth Of Jewerly, Cash Left In Taxi

John James is a lucky man.

After returning to his apartment at the National Arts Club Sunday afternoon, James realized he forgot a bag with $100,000 worth of jewelry and cash in the back seat of a taxi cab. With the help of a friend in city government and a receipt he thankfully kept, James was able to track down cabbie Zubiru Jalloh.

“The man had my possessions because he took it from the backseat when new passengers got on and were, I guess, messing with my tote bag,” James told 1010 WINS. ”He asked to have it lifted up to the front seat where he protected it and then took it home.”

James got his bag back Monday and offered Jalloh a $1,000 reward, which the cabbie reluctantly accepted. Jalloh was also asked to attend the club’s Valentine’s Day party but declined the invitation. Jalloh says he was motivated to return the valuable jewels by his Muslim faith.

“People in New York, you know, try to give back because the city has been so good to us and you hear such horrible stories it’s nice to hear positive ones,” James said. “People that go about their business, everyday, doing and living are the real heroes.”

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(Source: WCBSTV)

11 Responses

  1. Dear # 2
    Why do you have to belittle something nice that a person did just accept it and be happy because if he wanted to he could’ve pocketed the money so you know what I’m going to say thank you for being so kind and returning the money

  2. why is everyone assuming all Muslims are bad ???
    why be so negative??
    He did a good deed.
    Which most of us would not have done…

  3. Even though the midah of Arabs is gezel, the Koran is influenced by the Tanach. It’s good to know that we are being (albeit passively in this case) a light unto the nations.

  4. i must say, im completely disgusted by some people’s attitides towards non jews. some here even seem to find guilt in a man who, at the end of the day, did a good deed few would do. doesnt anyone here find that just a bit hypocritical? jews cry antisemitism when rubashkin is given a harsh sentence, even though he did break the law. its interesting that in one of the few countries in the world thst truly respects the concept of innocent until proven guilty (i.e. oj simpson), we, the jews, a people persecuted for generations, perceive the deeds of non jewish with a verdict of guilty in our minds.

  5. Remind ourselves that although a muslim, most muslims were force converted in past hundreds of years, but many of them had Israelite descent. If you look at the clan names throughout Afghanistan you will see the Shinwari clan, Reubani clan, Gadi clan, Efridi clan, and Yosefzai clan.. Sound familiar? Most of these muslims are Israelites stuck in a Yosef being second in power in Egypt story.. Would Yehudah ever have suspected he was face to face with Yosef? We are very quick to judge based on the way things appear, but our Holy Torah teaches us most things are never the way they appear. Our Avodah is not to point fingers and declare, rather to be grateful for our portion and do the avodah incumbent upon us.

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