NYC: DOT Cutting Speed Limit To 20 MPH In 75 New Zones

The Department of Transportation is greatly expanding the number of reduced speed zones around the city.

This year, the department will triple its 20 mph reduced speed zones around schools, and is also trying out a pilot 20 mph zone program that would slow traffic on an area-wide, rather than individual street, basis.

The plan calls for at least 75 reduced speed zones, if a pilot zone in the Bronx is deemed a success.

According to recent studies, for every additional mile per hour driven over the 30 mph speed limit, the likelihood of a crash becoming fatal increases exponentially. At a speed of 30 mph, 40% of pedestrians who are struck will be killed. At 20 miles an hour, that fatality percentage lowers to 10%.

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(Source: Gothamist)

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