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The President Quits His Cigarette Habit

President Obama has quit smoking and has not had a cigarette in almost a year, his wife, Michelle Obama, said Tuesday.

“I’m very proud of him,’’ the first lady said.

Mrs. Obama was asked about her husband’s cigarette habit during a wide-ranging luncheon interview with a round table of reporters to mark the first anniversary of her “Let’s Move!” campaign to reduce childhood obesity. She said she did not know exactly when Mr. Obama had quit, however.

“He never smoked a lot to begin with; I never saw him smoke,’’ Mrs. Obama said, adding that as their daughters Malia and Sasha grow older, Mr. Obama wants to be able to look them in the eyes and say truthfully that he is not a smoker. “They want to know, ‘You don’t smoke, do you, Dad?’ ” she said.

Now, however, Obama can claim the high moral ground from one of his chief Republican rivals, House Majority Leader John Boehner – an admitted chain-smoker.

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(Source: NY Times)

2 Responses

  1. I guess he quited to be able to be picked for 4 more years.

    the same thing I told my Menahel, every beginning of a new Zman, to be excepted for another Zman, “Menahel, I quited smoking already…….”

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