Forbes: Estimates Of Hosni Mubarak’s Extreme Wealth Appear Exaggerated & Unproven

Over the past few days both ABC and The Guardian have run articles claiming that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s wealth could be as high as $70 billion. (On Feb. 7 the New York Post joined the hyperbolic noise about Mubarak’s supposed megafortune with its silly, copycat  “Hosni richest in world“–its main source being the article in The Guardian.) We at Forbes don’t claim to know how much Mubarak is worth, but it’s very unlikely to be anywhere near as much as $70 billion.

First, some context: If Mubarak was indeed worth that much, it would make him wealthier than the richest man in the world. In March 2010, Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim Helu, who controls telecom companies Telmex and America Movil,  topped the Forbes World’s Billionaires list with a net worth of $53.5 billion. If you tack on the 18% gain made by Mexican stock market index in the past year, it puts Slim’s approximate current net worth at $63 billion. Could Mubarak really be wealthier than the richest man in the world? I very much doubt it. (A note on Carlos Slim’s exact current net worth: Forbes’ 2011 World’s Billionaires List will be published in March. We haven’t yet locked in Slim’s updated net worth.)

Forbes also tracks the fortunes of the world’s richest royalty. These fortunes are more difficult to pin down than the wealth of capitalist billionaires with stakes in publicly traded or privately held companies. But Forbes’ estimate of combined fortunes of the 10 richest royals was $99 billion in 2010. The richest royal on the list, King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, is worth an estimated $30 billion –less than half what the Middle East experts cited by ABC News claim Mubarak might be worth.

The argument for Mubarak’s large fortune lies with the understanding that foreign companies doing business in Egypt have long needed a local partner in order to establish a presence. This has been common practice across the Middle East. The Guardian article says that in Egypt, the local partner would get a 20% stake in the foreign business; in other Gulf countries the locals have typically gotten a 51% share of the foreign businesss. On that logic, wouldn’t King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia, worth an estimated $15 billion , have a larger fortune than Mubarak?

The biggest problem with these estimates is they are just guesses, with no proof backing them up. ABC News cites a book that names businesses in Egypt like Chili’s restaurants and the telecom company Vodanfone in which Mubarak’s son Gamal supposedly has a stake. But the owner of the Chili’s franchise in Egypt, speaking to ABC News, denied Gamal’s involvement.

It’s easy to speculate about how much cash might been stashed away in Swiss banks accounts. But it’s much harder to prove that it’s there.

The Forbes wealth team will spend some time digging into the specifics of Mubarak’s wealth and we will report back on what we find. In the meantime, take those headlines from ABC News, The Guardian and The New York Post with a very big grain of salt.

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(Source: Forbes)

3 Responses

  1. I never believed the estimate when I saw it on Business Insider. If you told me the king of saudi or one of the Gulf nation yes since they have billions of dollars of oil revenue. But even if Mubarak hoarded every single dollar of american aid (which he clearly didnt as evident by the fact of numerous f-16s and american weapons) he would just barely reach this figure.

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