NYC Drivers Get Tickets – But No Plows

The city yesterday ended its two-week suspension of alternate-side parking rules and slapped drivers with tickets for not moving their cars so plows could clear the snow from curbsides — and then, no plows came through anyway.

Angry drivers complained that while some cars were frozen in place, plows could have swerved around them and cleared the curbs in front of and behind them.

Officials had ordered motorists to move their cars for snow removal and so garbage trucks could pick up trash.

That sent drivers scrambling to dig their vehicles out of the ice and snow that had entombed their vehicles.

Arthur Antman, 69, who lives on East 88th Street on the Upper East Side, freed his car and moved it to a legal spot in time.

Then, he waited for a plow or street sweeper.

He’s still waiting.

“They did nothing!” Antman fumed. “They didn’t come through with a plow! They didn’t come through with a sweeper! The entire block is still covered in snow, and everyone had to move their car!”

But that didn’t stop the city’s ticket agents from coming out in full force.

Raj Saini, who lives on Crescent Street in Astoria, Queens, was nailed with a $45 ticket after he left his car buried in a foot of snow. But the rest of his block remained unplowed.

“I’m angry. There’s no reason for me to get a ticket when my car is stuck!” he said. “I can’t move my car!”

Sanitation said very few of its street sweepers were out because of the lingering snow. They operated only along some already-cleared commercial districts in Manhattan, Brooklyn and The Bronx.

But plows and salt spreaders were busy trying to clear out the curbsides, officials said.

“We’re making every attempt to get to the curbs during the 90-minute sweeping segment for alternate-side parking,” said spokesman Matt Lipani.

He said people had no choice but to move their vehicles.

“You have to move your car during the specified time period or risk a ticket. We are making every effort to get to all of those curbs as encrusted snow and ice conditions allow,” he said.

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(Source: NY Post)

4 Responses

  1. I live in the east 30’s in Midwood/Flatbush.

    Haven’t had my garbage taken in TWO WEEKS!!!
    Because they are so busy plowing and salting? -NOT!!!
    Haven’t seen a plow or salt truck in my neighborhood either!!!

    This past Shabbas they came and took the garbage ACROSS THE STREET, and, silly me, I assumed they would be taking mine shortly thereafter. -NOT!!!

    My side of the street looks like a garbage dump!!!
    I guess they will pick it up one night at 1 a.m. so they can get over time!!!

    Mayor Bloomberg, Dov Hikind, David Greenfield, – WHERE ARE YOU?!?!

  2. Ain, Do you know who your elected officials are? You got the Mayor right but you don’t live in Hikind nor Greenfield’s district.

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