Egyptian Woman Claims Mossad Used Her To Topple Mubarak Regime

A young Egyptian woman claims that the Mossad trained her to assist in bringing down Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s regime. In an interview with Egypt’s Al Mehwar network the woman, who noted that her facebook page was extremely popular, said that she was sent by an American organization to be specially trained “by Israelis and Jews” in Qatar.

The woman remained anonymous and was interviewed with her voice distorted and her face blurred. She told of her training and financial support from an American organization called Freedom House. She claims that her trainers were Jews and Israelis whose main job was recruiting “young and unexperienced” students from universities.

The organization is well known, and its website states that its purpose is to “support the expansion of freedom around the world” and that it was founded by “prominent Americans concerned with the mounting threats to peace and democracy”.

According to the young woman, after her initial recruitment, she was sent to Doha in Qatar with a group of other young people for the next stage in the process. “We received intensive training for four days. The trainers had different citizenships but a predominant number among them were Israelis,” she said.

At the end of the interview the woman was asked what led her to confess her secret activities. At this point, she burst into tears and answered that President Mubarak was “like a father to me,” which is why she decided to share what happened to her.

(Read More: Ynet)

6 Responses

  1. Except that nothing would make Israel happier than for Mubarek to stay in power. From their perspective, all of the alternatives are worst. It would be like believing that Israel was secretly offering technical assistance to the Iranian nuclear program, or the the CIA was helping the Taliban (and yes, I know that Israel used to offer Iran military aid, and the CIA used to help the Taliban).

  2. Isn’t it possible (probable) that the pro-Mubarek demonstrators who violently attacked the protestors, were not sent by Mubarek at all, but really elements of the brotherhood? And the anti-Mubarek student activists also in agreement with radical Islam? Aren’t they well known for their deep intrigue and deception? Look–before 9-11 the terrorists who flew the planes were also “students” of an AVIATION school!! Think about this—if we are dealing with educated student activists, why haven’t they put forward a viable alternative to Mubarek’s government? Should we believe these “students” are only interested in toppling Mubarek, then come what may afterward? More likely the brotherhood is operating on both sides, setting up a situation of utter chaos in which Mubarek steps down, and THEY fill the void.

  3. Mishenichnass adar marbim besimcha-that means tomorow erev chodesh adar rishon something good will happen, for us and the world: either acminajad gets eliminated,or Murbarack wins or the muslem anti american traitor obama is finished off.

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