Report: US Backed Egypt Uprising Planners

“The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising,” British newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported Saturday.

According to the report, the US-backed figures have been planning a regime change for the past three years.

Moreover, the American embassy in Cairo has helped a dissident travel to New York to attend a conference on the matter, while keeping his identity secret from Egyptian authorities.

The Daily Telegraph chose not to disclose the name of the young protestor, but noted that he was arrested by Egyptian security forces for allegedly taking part in planning the uprising that aims to replace the current government with a democratic one.

Whether the British newspaper’s report is true or not, the situation in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez has played a part in convincing the US government to distance itself from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and side with the Egyptian protestors who demand change.

The tone from Washington has made a 180-degree turn in recent days, going from a balanced approach on Friday morning to stern criticism of Mubarak on Saturday.

The Egyptian demonstrators who have set the ruling party’s headquarters on fire and the police officers who have relinquished their uniforms and joined the crowd are apparently the ones to be credited for the White House’s changed of heart; only hours later Washington threatened to cut off its $1.5 billion in aid if the Egyptian government does not implement political, financial and social reform immediately.

(Source: Ynet)

One Response

  1. how will the Arab world perceive American no support of Mubarak- a force for democracy or an unreliable friend- The Egyptians don’t want democracy they want jobs- and those in power all over the world will mistrust America- lose lose situation.I woul;d be afraid if not for emunah- thank g-d hashem is running the world and not the pundits

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