Hawaii Bill Would Charge $100 For President Obama’s Birth Records

For just $100, you too might be able to own a copy of President Obama’s birth records.

Democratic lawmakers in Hawaii introduced a bill this week that would allow anybody to obtain Obama’s personal documents, an effort aimed to silence so-called “birthers” and close a projected $800 million budget deficit over the next two years.

The legislation would reverse a privacy law that bars the release birth records to anybody without a tangible interest, like family members.

“If it passes, it will calm the birthers down,” the bill’s primary sponsor, Rep. Rida Cabanilla said. “All these people are still doubting it because they don’t want the birth certificate from Obama. They want it from our state office.”

Some right-wing activists have long insisted that President Obama is ineligible to serve as President, claiming he wasn’t born in the United States. Some argue he was born in Kenya, while others claim he was really a citizen of the United Kingdom or Indonesia.

In 2008, the Obama Administration released a “certification of live birth,” a shorter document that carries the same legal weight as a birth certificate. The Administration has been reluctant to be seen as bowing to politically-motivated extremists.

The bill, introduced by five Democrats this week, has not been scheduled for a public hearing—something that’s required before it can move forward.  A decision on considering the bill will be made by the House’s Democratic leadership and committee chairmen.

The state legislature’s recent move follows Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie’s recent announcement that he’d give up on efforts to squash the conspiracy theory, due to the existing laws.

Abercrombie, a fellow Democrat and a friend of the President, launched the effort in December.

Rep. John Mizuno, a co-sponsor of the bill, said the legislation may run into hurdles because of the state’s strict constitutional privacy protections. But he’s hoping it will pass.

“If people really want to confirm Barack Obama is born in Hawaii, that’s fine,” Mizuno said. “I don’t have a problem with looking at innovative ways to bring revenue to the state.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

10 Responses

  1. The $100 fee will not cover the $800 million shortfall. All we want to see is 1 (one) official copy of his birthcertificate. One person and/or news agency will buy it and that will be the end of the story… if such a document actually exsists…

    What about the fact that during his time in Indonesia you wern’y allowed dual citizenship and was required Indonesian coitizship to go to school? So even IF he was born in Hawaii and went to Indonesia he would have lost his US citizenship and when he came back to US of A he became a naturalized citizin but not from birth. I think that is also not allowed.

    But it is really all Yad Hashem, just to show us that even if we think we vote, really only He is running the world.

  2. zaidy78: One zaidy to another…give it up.

    The President’s birth certificate has been published, the Hawaiian governor and legislature have certified to it…the problem with you birther crazies is that you believe…and want to believe…so badly in your nasty little ideological nonsense that no matter of fact will satisfy you. Anyone confirming the President’s natural born citizenship becomes to you just another conspirator.

    People like you are dangerous – you have the quality of intellect that allows some people to believe in blood-libels and other standard antisemetic canards without any regard to fact. You KNOW……and nothing will shake that…any evidence to the contrary is just an evil lie…right?

  3. So even IF he was born in Hawaii and went to Indonesia he would have lost his US citizenship and when he came back to US of A he became a naturalized citizin but not from birth. I think that is also not allowed.

    Actually US Citizenship law does not work like that, or else every american that moved to Israel would loose their citizenship.

  4. YonasonW:

    By Obama’s birth certificate, you mean this baby? ‘Cuz I could make that with Microsoft Paint.

    Where is the signature on that chaspa b’alma?! Ain’t no such thing as a bona fide document without one of them scribbles!

  5. Clever.

    Perhaps someone can find a way to charge for the FBI report saying that Sarah Palen wasn’t behind the Tuscon shootings?

    I wonder what public records Governor Cuomo could put up for sale in order to cover the public deficit?

    P.S. In any event, even if he was born abroad to an American mother, he would still be a NATURAL born citizen -which is the requirement to be president

  6. P.S. In any event, even if he was born abroad to an American mother, he would still be a NATURAL born citizen -which is the requirement to be president

    Would he be? I don’t think he would, extrapolating from Amendment XIV. The Constitution isn’t clear about that.

  7. Amazing because the Hawaiian lib governor claims they can’t find it. Also it could only be released to the “owner” so how can any Tom, Richard, or Harry get a copy.

    Bottom line is the USA is still waiting to see his real birth CERTIFICATE but he is too aloof to prove it to us. If he wasn’t born in the USA or even in a Territory, he is INELIGIBLE.

    A sane person, which obviously excludes the left, knows there is something MAJORLY fishy here.

  8. #7,

    You forget Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment:

    “Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”

    It has defined US Citizens to include anyone born within the US with the exception of the children of diplomats who aren’t subject to US laws, and also to include anyone born outside the US to at least one US citizen parent. Among other things, that allows American Jews who have made aliyah to Israel to have their children who have been born there get US passports.

    Mark Levin,

    Gov. Abercrombie never said he can’t find it. The allegation that he said that has been retracted.

    Gov. Abercrombie actually knew both of President Obama’s parents before they were married. The three of them were all students at the University of Hawaii. The President’s father earned an undergraduate degree there; both the governor, and the President’s late mother, eventually earned doctorates there.

  9. Alas, charliehall, if only it were so simple.

    Section 1:
    “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

    It makes no mention of an intermediate category, that of the offspring of foreign-residing U.S. citizens. Ergo, it would seem that the early American governments did not recognize such individual as an automatic citizen, and a fortiori (kal va-chomer in Talmudic lingo) as a “natural-born” citizen.

    As for §5, while I do not agree with the Palinite-Limbaughite demagoguery, it behooves you not to mutilate our beautiful English muttersprache. Section 5 gives Congress the authority to enforce the law, not define it. That’s the job of the Supreme Court.

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