Report: Lawmakers Mulling ‘Traffic Pricing’

According to the Daily News, lawmakers are considering a plan to charge drivers $10 to enter Lower Manhattan on weekdays.

It’s similar to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s defeated congestion pricing proposal that would have cost drivers $8.

The Daily News says supporters are trying to get backing outside Manhattan before formally proposing a plan.

The money made could help the Metropolitan Transportation Authority reduce its deficit.

Bloomberg championed the cause in 2008, but it was shot down in the State Assembly. His congestion pricing looked to charge drivers coming into Manhattan below 60th Street on weekdays from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The paper says there is no formal proposal in place, but that Bloomberg aides have been working on the new plan behind the scenes for months.

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. This mayor is always scheming to rip off the taxpayers, so he can fund his favorite “green” projects–bicycle lanes, pedestrian islands, etc, etc, etc.

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