N.J. Lawmaker Introduces Bill Reinstating The Death Penalty

A New Jersey legislator has introduced legislation that would reinstate the death penalty in New Jersey.

The bill, introduced by Sen. Robert Singer (R-Ocean), would reinstate the death penalty for those convicted of murdering a child, killing a police officer in the line of duty, or committing a fatal terrorist attack.

Singer represents Lakewood, where officer Christopher Matlosz was shot execution-style. Ten police officers in the United States have been killed by gunfire in the line of duty this year, he said.

Singer said the death penalty is sometimes the only way to achieve justice for the families of victims.

“I am well aware that the death penalty will not bring back a slain police officer, a murdered child or a victim of terrorism,” Singer said. “For certain crimes, however, life in prison is not justice.”

Former Gov. Jon Corzine repealed the death penalty in New Jersey in December 2007.

When Corzine signed the bill into law, New Jersey had not executed anyone in 44 years. The Legislature reinstated the death penalty in 1982.

(Source: NJ Star Ledger)

One Response

  1. Let us all daven that this bill overwhelmingly passes.

    Rabbi Akiva said, “were I on the court, no one would have been put to death.”
    They said to him, “Akiva, you would be increasing murders in Israel!”

    We see from the response that capital punishment is necessary for the survival of a society, much as Amnesty International and the EU or UN would like to pretend otherwise.

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