More Bloodshed: Two Police Officers Shot Dead In Florida; 10 Officers Shot In 24 Hours

In just the past 24 hours, a total of 10 police officers have been shot across the nation – two of them fatally. The latest shootings come on the heels of an officer shot dead in Lakewood NJ, and another two officers killed in Miami Florida.

Four officers were shot at a Detroit, Michigan, police precinct on Sunday; Two Kitsap County, Washington, sheriff’s deputies were shot at a Walmart in the town of Port Orchard, and an Indianapolis, Indiana, police officer was critically injured Sunday in a shooting during a traffic stop.

The latest incident happened Monday morning in St. Petersburg Florida, as officers attempted to serve a warrant to a wanted man. The incident left two officers in dead, and a U.S. Marshal wounded.

In an ironic twist not being reported by any other news source, YWN confirms that the Miami officers were killed while the Lakewood funeral was underway, and the St. Petersburg officers were shot as the Miami funeral gets underway.

The following report is from the St. Petersburg Times:

Two officers are dead after a shootout at a St. Petersburg home Monday morning.

“Our community has suffered a loss today,” St. Petersburg Police Chief Chuck Harmon said during a somber press conference with Mayor Bill Foster outside of Bayfront Medical Center.

The officers became the first killed during duty in St. Petersburg since 1980. Harmon said the wives of both were notified and “in shock.” One of the officers had children.

Police have not yet released the officers’ names.

The officers were shot Monday morning after approaching a home where suspect Hydra Lacy Jr. was being served a U.S. Marshal’s warrant through a fugitive task force.

A marshal who also responded to the scene was also shot and is expected to survive.

The shooting took place at 3734 28th Ave. S, in the Perry Bayview neighborhood. Authorities were serving the warrant to Hydra Lacy Jr., athough police have not yet released the suspect’s name.

Officers first made contact at the home to interview the suspect’s girlfriend at 7 a.m. When it became clear the suspect was in the attic and armed, more officers arrived. At 9:20 a.m., more prolonged rounds of firing could be heard coming from the site. Later, the last injured officer was taken from the inside the house and transported to the hospital. He was accompanied by a surgeon.

“It doesn’t look good,” St. Petersburg Police Chief Chuck Harmon said shortly after the last officer was taken away.

Rumors began circulating through the community shortly after the first officers were taken to the hospital.

Early Monday, Pinellas Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Robert Gualtieri, made a dramatic statement a previously scheduled meeting of the County Commission, saying, “The one St. Pete officer is dead and the other one is pinned down in the house and was shot several times.”

But at 10:10 p.m., police officials only said two were in critical condition and one was stable.

Police spokesman Mike Puetz said the suspect was facing aggravated battery and two other felony charges and was being served a U.S. Marshal’s warrant by a police officer. An officer was interviewing the suspect’s girlfriend, who told the officer the suspect was in the attic. When the suspect was approached, he began firing at the officer.

A police SWAT team is on scene, along with several police vehicles and ambulances wrapping around six blocks. Some Pinellas Sheriff’s deputies are also at the scene, as well as vehicles from other agencies, including a Tampa police armored vehicle.

Police cleared the streets leading to Bayfront Medical Center in preparation for the ambulances to transport victims, according to dispatchers. They have also asked that all helicopters stay away from the area, as the suspect has made reference to them.

Neighbors said they first heard shots coming from the home at 4 a.m. and later saw police lights at 7:15 a.m.

(Source: St. Petersberg Times)

6 Responses

  1. The “Ironic Twist” that it took place during the funerals, has no relevance to anything what so ever! The only relevant fact is, that they were all police officers. But nice attempt at sensationalist journalism anyway.

  2. Maybe this dramatic increase in crime has to do with that we have liberals running our governments, whom are soft on crime, instead of conservatives. Not like the libs always say we need more gun control. Do they really think that criminals only get their guns legally?!

  3. #1, how do you know? It might have every bit to do with it! Someone could be try to send some kind of message by shooting in the middle of a funeral!

  4. #3 I think ur rite maybe its the bloods. Nbc reported after the lkwd killing that the bloods would try killing more cops. Maybe they were rite.

  5. #4 Maybe your theory would hold water if the perp went out and shot a PO. In this case, the cops came to his residednce to execute a warrant.

  6. Health (#2):
    So before Obama was elected we had less crime?
    Have states or federal gov’t dramatically overhauled their criminal codes in the past few years?
    Ten Shootings in one 24 hour period is almost definitely not a “dramatic increase in crime” as much as a statistical blip. We won’t know for months if there is truly an increase in the rate of crime.
    One thing for sure: it is not as simple as “liberals running our government.”

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