Talmud To Be Translated Into Italian

Thanks to collaboration between the Italian Jewish community and the Italian government, the Talmud, for the first time ever, will be translated into Italian.

Dubbed “Project Talmud”, the project agreement was signed in Rome recently by cabinet ministers, the president of Italy’s National Research Council, the president of the umbrella Union of Italian Jewish Communities and Rome’s chief rabbi.

The project foresees the translation of the original Aramaic version of the Babylonian Talmud, with commentaries, as well as an introductory volume about the structure, contents and language of the Talmud.

(Source: Notizie Shalom Life)

6 Responses

  1. I think its a great idea. The other alternative is Italian Jews not learning at all. If this gets even one person to become interested in learning then it is worth it.

  2. I think this is great news. I do not understand comment #1 and #2. B”H, many BT’s have greatly benefited by having it translated into the language they understand. Then many Bt’s later develop their Gemorrah vocabulary, and no longer need “the crutch” to learn. Learning is learning!

  3. I think it’s wonderful. Even though this reminds me of the Torah being translated to Greek, which Chazal do not speak highly of, I can’t imagine it’s any worse than Artscroll translating the Talmud Bavli to English which has brought the Torah SheBe’al Peh to the general public.

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