PHOTOS: Greenfield Inspects NYC Investment In New OHEL Headquarters


Councilman David G. Greenfield got a first-hand look at the new OHEL headuarters on Avenue M in Midwood. Greenfield has secured over $4 million in funding over the last few years for this important project. OHEL CEO David Mandel led him on a tour of the construction site that will house all of Ohel’s services in one location to be names the Ohel Jaffa Family Campus.

“OHEL is the premier social service organization in our community and is recognized for its expertise throughout New York,” Greenfield said. “I am proud to have funded such a significant portion of Ohel’s brand new campus so that Ohel can serve an even greater number of people with even more services.”

OHEL has been serving Brooklyn’s communities with individual and family support since 1969. Specific services OHEL offers include preventive care, foster care, adolescent residential programs, domestic violence counseling, substance abuse and addiction programs, sexual abuse programs, school-based mental health services, a Helpline, and numerous other programs to support communities that are too often neglected.

Thanks in part to the funding Councilman Greenfield has secured together with the NYC Council, OHEL is building a brand-new facility in Flatbush that will expand its ability to support New York’s most vulnerable communities. The new Jaffa Family Campus features improved floor plans that are maximized for efficiency and privacy, features Greenfield was able to personally inspect while touring the site.

Greenfield has worked closely with OHEL and Community Board 14 to ensure that construction of the site proceeds on schedule so that the organization can bring its outstanding services to Flatbush and the surrounding area. He was joined on the tour by Community Board 14 member Kalman Yeger who has been assisting Greenfield through his work on the local Community Board.

“I will always fight for outstanding community organizations like OHEL,” Greenfield said. “The work they do to support so many in our community deserves all the support we can give.”

The facility is expected to be complete by the end of this summer.

(YWN Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. As the parent of a special needs child, I can tell you after having spoken to numerous other similar parents, that OHEL is unequivocally the most overrated, do-nothing, hard-to-reach “chesed” organization in the Jewish community.
    If you want a real shocker, just look up David Mandel’s salary. Being that it’s a non-profit, it is public record on the internet. WAY, way, way overpaid.

  2. #1

    There will be free parking for people visiting the facility.


    I know many people that use ohel and are greatly appreciative for their services. I don’t know what went wrong with your situation, but it could be a isolated incident.

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