NYC: HPD Officials To Identify Buildings With Poor Housing Conditions

The city is changing its approach to how it deals with poor housing conditions.
The Department of Housing, Preservation, and Development is now stepping in before tenants complain to 311.

A pilot program is being extended so that officials can identify 250 buildings for potential intervention every six months.

“If the 1970s teaches us anything, it is that even one abandoned or derelict building can undermine the safety of every one on the block and we’re never going to let that happen again,” said Mayor Michael Bloomberg. “So by taking the steps that we take today, we believe we’ll be able to protect the whole block and entire neighborhoods.”

“Until now, the city’s approach to poor housing conditions has always been reactive. Now we’re changing it a proactive response,” said City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

In some cases, HPD will help provide loans to some building owners, but in the worst cases the city hopes to expand its authority to force owners to pay for repairs that city subsidizes.

(Source: NY1)

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