You Could Win $330 Million In Tonight’s Mega Millions

Lottery players in states that play Mega Millions are getting the chance to vie for the seventh-largest lottery prize in U.S. history.

The Mega Millions jackpot for tonight’s drawing is up to $330 million thanks to brisk sales pushing the big prize higher. That works out to about $208 million if taken as a lump sum.

The largest Mega Millions jackpot was $390 million in 2007. The prize was shared by two players in Georgia and New Jersey. Tuesday night’s jackpot is the third largest ever offered since New York joined the multi-state game in 2002.

The game, which expanded last year under a cross-selling agreement with Powerball, is available in 41 states and the District of Columbia.

(Source: WCBSTV)

11 Responses

  1. I feel sorry for whoever wins that – that kind of money is almost a guarantee of destruction (unless the person is on a massive madrega and can stand up to the MASSIVE nisayon of using it ALL leshem shamayim – don’t wish a test like that on anyone!)

  2. if you invest right away you should be doing fine.

    the problem starts when you are ‘stuck’ with too many cash in bank account,
    and your children and your wife
    and….. yourself get into spending world which knows of no end!

  3. Actually the test comes in knowing when to say no to orgainsations hitting you up for money

    As it stands barely any Jewish organisations operate in the black (whether they should is a different discussion) so they treat fundraising as priorty one so they can keep their doors open..what the organisation is actually trying to accomplish might come in a close second.

    If someone from the “community” won this jackpot, every single organisation would expect him or her to be the new benefactor and supply their yearly budget.

    While there are some very worthy organisations that do amazing work, there are alot of “fly by night” operations that do not have any sort of long term financial survival plan.

    The winner would be subject to endless phone calls and meetings with every second and third rate organisation who are just looking for the next round of life support.

    And thats just on the national level, in the winners own community he would be the guy supporting everyone and thats not fair for everyone to assume that he is going to become the benefactor.

    Let the winner give his 10 to 20% and if everyone can act like a human being then maybe…just maybe that money can be used to really change klal yisroels financial situation

  4. Hashem will not allow a frum person to win that kind of cash. In my opinion its against the Torah. Bezeyas apecha tochal lechem, why would Hashem just throw 300 million on someones lap for doing nothing to deserve it ? In the history of the Lottery, a frum person has never won big. There is a reason to that.

  5. Git meshige- where do you take that from? Perhaps I won the lottery, I’d keep it back from people.
    I’m sure many others keep this secret to themselves.

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