After The Storm: Shovel Snow Safely

Even as the snow piles up, think trice before grabbing your shovel.

The American Heart Association say people who have heart disease or are at risk for it should avoid all exertion outdoors in the cold. The stress of low temperatures can constrict the arteries and increase blood pressure, raising your risk for heart attack and stroke.

If you must shovel snow or be out the cold, remember these warning signs of a heart attack:

Pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes.

Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms.

Lightheadedness, sweating or nausea.

One rule of thumb to keep in mind: If you can’t walk two miles briskly without stopping or feeling short of breath, you shouldn’t be shoveling snow.

(YWN Storm Center – 2010)

One Response

  1. I would think you would want to stay inside whether you have a heart condition or not! Also, isn’t there also something called having stress inside too?!?

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