TSA Warns Against Insulated Drink Containers

Authorities on Thursday issued a new alert for travelers: your empty coffee or tea thermos will be getting a closer look.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, insulated beverage containers could be used by terrorists to hide explosives.

Some say this is another security measure that’s being taken too far.

Nick Hancoff of the group We Won’t Fly said some of the security checks infringe on basic civil rights.

“We’re going to continue to see outlandish things where they claim they have power over our private property and our liberties,” he said.

Officials said the thermos check is just another measure to stay one step ahead

(Source: KABC)

4 Responses

  1. It makes you wonder if “terrorists” are sitting around brainstorming about what items they should work on banning next.

    “Those Americans and their insulated cups! Argh… they make me so mad. Let’s send out some more emails to that American spy who keeps hanging around telling him about our plans to hide explosives in insulated cups. Think about how much THAT will back up those TSA lines. That will show those Americans living in their coffee maker world!”

    …Well, that’s at least how the conversation goes in my head.

  2. This utterly ludicrous!! They do this while in the same breath they say there was no intelligence leading to this. Well, allow me to say there is no intelligence in this govt agency!!! The whole TSA is a bunch of manure.

  3. Why are Americans tolerating the mere existence of TSA (Terribly Stupid Agitators) when its employees, from the top to the bottom, are in many instances violating our Constitution? And even the “wanding” may be a violation.
    Certainly, the personal molesting, and intrusive “X-ray” ‘scanner’, exceed the limits of the Fourth Amendment. Read and remember:
    Amendment IV to the Constitution of the United States, ratified (in the “Bill of Rights”) December 15, 1791:
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
    If you agree, and send a protest to Weiner, Schumer or Gillibrand, try to get a specific, non-stereotyped response. Lots of luck! (That’s why recall was included in our laws.)

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