UN Building Stinks Like Sewage: Pipe Bursts Today Sending Diplomats Fleeing From Rancid Stink

There was some rotten business at the UN this morning.

Diplomats were evacuated from the UN Security Council and General Assembly for a “suspicious odor” likely the result of a burst sewer line, officials said.

The sewage-like smell wafted through the halls forcing the diplomats – who often metaphorically hold their noses during their daily deal-making – to really cover their olfactory glands.

UN spokesman Farhan Haq said the evacuation was a “precautionary measure” and no one reported any illness.

The leak is believed to have occurred in the UN basement and police source said it was a faulty “sewer pipe.”

The evacuation interrupted a ceremonial session at the Security Council where children from around the world were afforded an opportunity to voice their concerns to the world powers.

Those kids were sent to the US mission located across the street.

(Source: NY Post)

8 Responses

  1. I knew UN (united nations against Israel) was a
    House of darkness, but this fresh news smells like UN got an upgrade of status.

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