NYPD Stops Car In Queens For Running Light & Find 513 Pounds Of Marijuana

An ex-con was busted after cops stopped him for running a red light in St. Albans, Queens, early this morning and found his vehicle was stuffed with a whopping 513 pounds of marijuana.

Clement Hunter, 30, was driving a white 2010 Dodge caravan along Merrick Boulevard about 4 a.m. when he rolled past a red light and made a right hand turn on Farmers Boulevard, while failing to signal, said police.

A pair of uniformed cops on patrol in an unmarked car spotted the traffic infraction and made a U-turn and tried to stop Hunter.

Instead of obeying the cops, Hunter gunned his engine and led cops on a chase for several blocks, before turning down a dead end at 178th Street near 132nd Avenue, said police.

Hunter jumped out of the car and tried to flee on foot but cops grabbed him as he tried to scale a fence, said police.

Once they had Hunter in custody, cops found he had reason to run. The back of the minivan, stripped of its rear seat, was piled high with 10 bails of marijuana, each weighing roughly 50 pounds.

The marijuana was wrapped in green plastic and stuffed in black trash bags, said police.

Hunter, who lives in Jamaica was arrested and faces a slew of charges including drug possession, said police.

He has one prior arrested for possession of a loaded gun and has several other drug related arrests, including possession of large amounts of marijuana, said sources.

The drugs were taken to the NYPD laboratory for testing. Police are still working to determine where the drugs originated.

(Source: NY Post)

17 Responses

  1. How is this news for the Yeshiva world? What is relevance of this to anything Yidden are doing in this life? Could you please explain??

  2. #1 its good for people to know what’s going on in the world if you feel there is something wrong you don’t have to look it up

  3. If this news only gets one person to stop for a red light instead of running it the posting was worthwhile. Too many people are running lights.

  4. I thought this site was news of the Yeshiva World. What does this guy have to do with the yeshiva velt. With all due respect, If I want to find out local or national news, I have enough resources.. CNN, Fox NEWS, Etc. I log on to Yeshiva World to find out news about the Yeshiva World.
    Please keep to the theme and concept of this site.

  5. # 1 and # 8 thank you for making this important point, please YESHIVA world, lets keep this YESIVA world site full of yeshiva news, you do a great job, like #8 said, if we need to know about whats going on in the world, we have enough sources to read, the world doesnt bring the yeshiva news to us, only on yeshiva world, so lets not mix this site with irrelevant news.

    to #1 i might have a connection with this piece of news to the yeshiva world, perhaps this 513 pounds of drugs was a delivery to some frum community in monsey or lakewood. nebach

    #1 – chazal say that the world centers around am yisrael. everything. everything in this world is meant for us to use. the air , the trees, the whole world is for us to use in order to gain olam habba.

    the news too. its for our benefit,to teach us a lesson. no matter what the story. so if you dont like the content on this site, dont visit. but know that if hashem brought you here to read a news story (even a story you were not suspecting to find here) then you are supposed to apply it to your life.

    i also was not expecting to see this story here, but i have learned a lesson. one that can be found in chazal and one that if i listen to , i can gain olam haba from folowing. and the lesson? always use your seichel, even when you are in a rush! this guy has precious cargo worth allot of money and didnt use his seichel while transporting it.

    when you leave the house with your precious cargo in the car (your wife or kids or your grandma etc) , DONT TAKE CHANCES WITH IT. USE YOUR SEICHEL AND DRIVE LIKE A MENTCH OR YOU WILL BE SORRY AND WILL HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF!

  7. #8 – This website is the place for the yeshiva world to get the news so that they don’t go to CNN, Fox News, or other secular news sites. YWN is doing their job by finding the news from other sites and posting it here, while leaving out the trash contained on the other sites. I say, YWN, keep up the good work!

  8. To #1 and #8, in case you haven’t realized, Yeshiva World news means News that’s set up for people in the Yeshiva World to read. Which means it’s clean and Lashon Horah free. If you go to the sites of any news agency, you’ll be guaranteed to have links and ads that any Yeshiva Mon does not want to see.

  9. #15 – I was not responding as an answer to #1. I was commenting that to insult or criticize someone’s answer meaninglessly (like you did) is just spiteful. If you have nothing thoughtful to say, stop typing and turn back on your brain. This is not a presidential election!

    This article is perhaps relevant as a lesson in common sense. Consider the total risk when running a red light. The more you have to lose, the safer you should be driving. I don’t mean just if you are driving a stolen car or carrying drugs or a body in the trunk – but if you have a family at home, or kids in the car, if you have too many violations on your license, or have an expensive car that you cannot afford to fix, and hundreds of other factors, you should not be driving recklessly.

    (It is also amusing how foolish criminals can be.)

    There – is that thoughtful and logical?

    And although I too do not always like every article that appear here, YWN is probably just restricted to ‘kosher’ articles that may be ‘of interest’ to the Yeshiva World, but not necessarily ‘involving’ the Yeshiva World. We should all hope that most of the news in the world does not directly involve the Yeshiva World (except some of the rare Good News)!

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