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U.S. Rethinks Strategy for the Unthinkable

Suppose the unthinkable happened, and terrorists struck New York or another big city with an atom bomb. What should people there do? The government has a surprising new message: Do not flee. Get inside any stable building and don’t come out till officials say it’s safe.

The advice is based on recent scientific analyses showing that a nuclear attack is much more survivable if you immediately shield yourself from the lethal radiation that follows a blast, a simple tactic seen as saving hundreds of thousands of lives. Even staying in a car, the studies show, would reduce casualties by more than 50 percent; hunkering down in a basement would be better by far.

But a problem for the Obama administration is how to spread the word without seeming alarmist about a subject that few politicians care to consider, let alone discuss. So officials are proceeding gingerly in a campaign to educate the public.

“We have to get past the mental block that says it’s too terrible to think about,” W. Craig Fugate, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said in an interview. “We have to be ready to deal with it” and help people learn how to “best protect themselves.”

Officials say they are moving aggressively to conduct drills, prepare communication guides and raise awareness among emergency planners of how to educate the public.

Over the years, Washington has sought to prevent nuclear terrorism and limit its harm, mainly by governmental means. It has spent tens of billions of dollars on everything from intelligence and securing nuclear materials to equipping local authorities with radiation detectors.

The new wave is citizen preparedness. For people who survive the initial blast, the main advice is to fight the impulse to run and instead seek shelter from lethal radioactivity. Even a few hours of protection, officials say, can greatly increase survival rates.

Administration officials argue that the cold war created an unrealistic sense of fatalism about a terrorist nuclear attack. “It’s more survivable than most people think,” said an official deeply involved in the planning, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “The key is avoiding nuclear fallout.”

The administration is making that argument with state and local authorities and has started to do so with the general public as well. Its Citizen Corps Web site says a nuclear detonation is “potentially survivable for thousands, especially with adequate shelter and education.” A color illustration shows which kinds of buildings and rooms offer the best protection from radiation.

In June, the administration released to emergency officials around the nation an unclassified planning guide 130 pages long on how to respond to a nuclear attack. It stressed citizen education, before any attack.

Without that knowledge, the guide added, “people will be more likely to follow the natural instinct to run from danger, potentially exposing themselves to fatal doses of radiation.”

Specialists outside of Washington are divided on the initiative. One group says the administration is overreacting to an atomic threat that is all but nonexistent.

(Read More: NY Times)

7 Responses

  1. Im hashem lo yishmor ir shav shakad shomer think whatever u want rabos machshavos blev ish but atzas hashem hu sukim when we will start believing that he is the one who is our “national security secretery” we will be safe. sorry but i just didn’t have what to comment

  2. The response of the people is obvious:
    The dead should lay where they were killed.
    The seriously wounded should try to take of themselves since the hospitals will be full.
    The slightly wounded should try to carry on life as fitting a radio-active isotope and realize that they will soon die.
    Those who are burried under rubble and can not dig their way out should turn on their I-pod and listen to music until the air in their caved in area gives out.
    Frum people should work on themselves from speaking loshon hora in hopes that in the zechus of their mesiras nefesh, HaShem will do a miracle and let them find a kosher pizza place that is still open.
    Any one alive should get in his car and drive to Canada where the air is better.

  3. thats why if you look at apartment buildings you see a orange and yellow sign that says fallout bomb shelter. they should start training for this.

  4. Let me see if I have this right: President Obama’s new defense policy to defend 300 million Americans against the threat of nuclear attack is: “Stay in your car”. I think we would like to see a more proactive policy on the part of the Administration.

  5. Seriously?? They think staying in ur car is gonna save u from radiation?! Ha! Its in the air!!! It will seep into the car and then it will be trapped in there to b absorbed by the poor person taking shelter in it!! What r they thinking!? We shld just hope and pray this never happens because if it does we are all pretty hopeless I maean that’s pretty much what the government is telling us!

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