iPhone ‘Snitch network’ Launched

A new iPhone App with the misleading name ‘PatriotApp’ attempts to draw on the power of the patriot movement, turning smartphone users into a gigantic snitch network.

You might think an app with such a patriotic name might have useful functions like a pocket constitution or quotes from our forefathers. But contrary to the services one might expect, this app allows users to report any ‘suspicious’ behavior directly linking them with top government agencies.

Much like the new DHS program ‘If you see something, say something’ this app is meant to turn average citizens into a network of spies feeding information back to the federal government.

Citizen Concepts, a company formed by insiders from DHS, defines the use of such an app on their homepage:

Citizen Concepts announces the launch of PatriotAppTM, the world’s first iPhone application that empowers citizens to assist government agencies in creating safer, cleaner, and more efficient communities via social networking and mobile technology. This app was founded on the belief that citizens can provide the most sophisticated and broad network of eyes and ears necessary to prevent terrorism, crime, environmental negligence, or other malicious behavior.

Simply download, report (including pictures) and submit information to relevant government agencies, employers, or publish incident data to social network tools.

Key Features:
Integrated into Federal Agencies points of contacts
Custom integration with user employers
Fully integrated with Social Media (Facebook, Twitter)
Multiple menus and data fields
View FBI Most Wanted
Simple graphical user interface

Enable citizens to record and communicate:
National Security, Suspicious activities, Crime
Government Waste
Environmental Crime or possible violations
White collar crime
Workplace harassment, discrimination, or other violations
Public Health concerns

PatriotApp encourages active citizen participation in the War on Terror and in protecting their families and surrounding communities.

(Source: InfoWars)

5 Responses

  1. @Moose613
    I disagree. There is no reason to draw the similarity to Hitler, yimach sh’mo v’zichro. Judaism has always incorporated such a concept. We call them “eidim”- witnesses. Throughout halacha you will find that even though we have issurim (prohibitions) for many things, the only time a beis din (court) CAN punish the transgressor, be it with lashes or with capital punishment, is when there are witnesses. Those witnesses need to have warned the transgressor, and if there is a to’eles (sufficient cause) those witnesses are m’chuyav (obligated) to report to beis din to ensure that the proper procedures be taken.

    Safety is something of the utmost priority. Informing on a neighbor for the sake of personal, familial or societal protection is something that seems intuitive to me. In fact this is nothing new in America or any other society. You can call 9-1-1 or the government agencies anytime you like (and are encouraged to) to report these listed things. This is merely a convenient way to achieve that same end. The issue that I do agree with you about in thinking that this is a recipe for concern is the misuse (false claims) and the burden it will put on the government to stay strong to the constitutional procedures of investigation and prevention of wrongful detention (or worse).

  2. @bugnot

    Please reread the last sentence of the first paragraph, as the sentence begins with that fact.

    If I understand your point correctly, you are inferring that in halacha, as opposed to this innovation in technology, witnesses warn first before telling the proper authority. I thought the difference between the witnesses and this advancement was clear. I apologize for not specifying. The witnesses warn in a case where the person is transgressing between him/herself and haShem. However, there is a different set of rules that apply to a person who is potentially causing harm to others (which is what the new app was created to prevent).

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