After Son’s Suicide, Madoff May Miss Funeral

Bernard Madoff may not be allowed to attend his son’s funeral.

On Sunday, New York City’s medical examiner officially ruled Mark Madoff’s death a suicide by hanging. His body was found early Saturday in his SoHo apartment.

Madoff had used a dog leash to hang himself from a ceiling pipe on the second aniversary of the arrest of his father.

Bernie Madoff is serving a 150 year prison sentence.

Inmates reportedly are only allowed to attend a family funeral if they have less than two years left on their sentence.

(Source: WCBSTV)

7 Responses

  1. He never seemed to show any charata after destroying all those people’s lives.

    I wonder if he will show any charata now…

  2. AinOhdMilvado does Bernie Madof owe you something that he has to show you if he has charata or not .
    just be quiet and keep your terrible comments to yourself. it is a terrible thing when a parent has to sit shiva for a child.

  3. yossi…

    Obviously “it is a terrible thing when a parent has to sit shiva for a child.”

    It is also a terrible thing when so many people had their lives destroyed by his incredible heartless greed.

    It is not a “terrible comment” to wonder if now that he has experienced a tragedy, it will be m’orair in him any charata for the pain he caused so many others.

  4. I doubt Bernie Madoff ever went to sleep throughout all the good years, telling himself, Yippee!!! these people are going to suffer bigtime because of me. He thought his Ponzi scheme would go on unnoticed. I dont think anyone could suffer more emotionally than he has, with his and his family’s thunderous fall from grace.

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