Son Of Convicted Swindler Bernard Madoff Takes His Own Life

Mark Madoff, the eldest son of convicted Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff, killed himself in his Manhattan apartment early Saturday morning – two years to the day after his father was arrested.

Madoff took his own life in the living room of his fourth floor loft apartment in SoHo. His body was found hanging from a dog leash attached to a ceiling pipe in the living room of his Mercer Street apartment, as his two-year-old son slept nearby.

His father-in-law made the grisly discovery around 7:30 Saturday morning. Madoff’s wife was out of town with her four-year old daughter.

“Mr. (Mark) Madoff apparently left some e-mail notes; there was no note at the scene but had communicated with members of the family,” Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said. “His father-in-law was there; he was called by Mr. Madoff’s wife to check on the two-year-old who was there. The two-year-old was fine.”

Madoff’s suicide comes on the second anniversary of his father’s arrest for swindling investors out of billions of dollars. Bernard Madoff is currently serving a 150-year sentence.

Mark and his brother Andrew were not criminally charged in their father’s massive fraud, but had been named in investor lawsuits accusing them of profiting from the scheme.

Mark Madoff’s attorney issued a statement saying: “This is a terrible and unnecessary tragedy. Mark was an innocent victim of his father’s monstrous crime who succumbed to two years of unrelenting pressure from false accusations and innuendo.”

Mark Madoff was 46 years old.

(Source: NY1)

10 Responses

  1. What a waste of human life, “cheit avos al habonim”! What a legacy to hand down to your children. And now what are his children left with? How will they recover from the loss of their father and the shame of it all? Your good and bad deeds will always reflect on your parents and teachers for your upbringing and on your entire family for the kovod their share in your good deeds and in the shame it brings them with your bad ones.

  2. Yes, it is a tragedy and I don’t know if he was guilty of anything or not.

    “cheeseblintz” – I am not positive, but was told in fact that he (or at least his father) was NOT actually Jewish. Bernard Madoff’s father was Jewish, but not his mother (and of course she is the one that counts, halachically.)
    Does anyone out there know if my info is accurate?

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