Pair Of Teens Charged in Assault Of Chasidic Man

A pair of teenage thrill seekers have been charged with hate crimes for assaulted a Hasidic man outside a Brooklyn yeshiva yesterday, authorities and sources said.

The teens, 14 and 15, admitted to cops that they roughed up an unidentified 44-year-old man as he was leaving Yeshiva Beer Hatorah shortly before 11 p.m., according to officials.

Police picked up the pair 20 minutes later after responding to an assault call at Harrison Avenue near Wallabout Street in South Williamsburg. Officials said the attackers singled the man out because he was Jewish and pummeled him before taking off.

The victim suffered minor injuries, police said.
Commissioner Ray Kelly said the youths were thrill seekers who targeted others as well.

“They stated that they did it for fun,” Kelly said.

The suspects were charged as juveniles with assault as a hate crime.
Sources said the pair may have been involved in a similar assault last month at the same yeshiva.

In that attack, the thugs brutally assaulted a Jewish school teacher, taunting him with an anti-Semitic slur, sources said.

Joel Weinberger, 26, was knocked unconscious with a broken jaw in a horrific encounter as he was walking home Thanksgiving day.

(Source: NY Post)

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