Bloomberg: Obama Needs Better Advisers

President Obama’s clarification of his stance on the mosque to be built near ground zero shows that he needs new advisers, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says in an interview published in the magazine GQ.

“The president, I think, needs some better advisers,” Bloomberg says in the interview. “He campaigns, ‘I’m gonna do A,’ and then he doesn’t do it. Now he’s pissed off the supporters and the opponents. You go for it.”

Asked if he had any recommendations, Bloomberg told the magazine: “No. I don’t know. David Axelrod, when I’ve talked to him, he seems very smart, and Rahm Emanuel, who I’ve known forever, he is very smart. [But] you know, if you’re going to stand up for the mosque Friday night, you don’t walk away from it Saturday morning.”

(Source: Politico)

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