Chabad Denies Charges By Eliran Russo; Calls Them Outrages & False

The following is a statement by Lubavitch World Headquarters in regards to the earlier article from the Indian Express, where Rabbi Nachman Holtzberg accuses Chabad of fraud & embezzlement:

Allegations against Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters as regards funds raised for Moshe Holtzberg and the rebuilding of Chabad of Mumbai, are outrageous and absolutely false.

To date, Chabad raised funds earmarked for Moshe Holtzberg, the young orphan of Rabbi  Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg. In January of 2010 The Orphan Moshe Holtzberg Trust was established in Israel with oversight by a committee of five, among them two individuals chosen by Moshe Holtzberg’s legal guardians. The funds were transferred to the trust
in Israel, and monthly expenses for Moshe’s upkeep are paid from this account.

With respect to Nariman House: Decisions regarding rebuilding these premises have been under discussion for a long time pending recommendations by security experts. Concern for the security and safety of Chabad representatives and visitors to Chabad is a first priority, and we will therefore proceed accordingly.

Since the massacre two years ago, Chabad has continued to offer its programs and services to the Mumbai community and Jewish travelers without lapse, operating out of a different location in accordance with high-level security guidelines.  We are gratified that the work of Rabbi Gabriel and Rivka Holtzberg continues now, under the leadership of Rabbi Chanoch and Leah Gechtman.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Without going into any details or attacking the devastated families, I will say this: anyone who knows anything about the workings of Chabad know that all funds (& there are many) are open to scrutiny from trustees at any time they wish to see them. Accounts are open & honestly maintained, with checks & balances firmly in place.

    This is a tragic development coming at the time of the second yartzheit Gaby & Rivkie Holtzberg HY”D. I’ll say no more, except to wish that YWN, which has the highest standards of integrity, had not chosen to post these articles which fuel the fires of dissension…not to mention adding pain to us as a community that is still reeling from these horrific acts.

  2. just using my sniffer, it sounds like when the trust was originally opened in India it wasn’t worked out to detail, and paper work showed that it was a separate charity run by R’ Gavriel Holtzberger z”l, but Chabad international never saw it as anything but a branch of it’s orgenization. is that it?

  3. to bestbubby:

    Unfortunately that is not the case. The Holtzberg and Rosenberg families are on the funds oversight committes for both Moshe’s fund as well as for the rebuilding efforts.

    Attempts by both families to gain access to the checks and balances of these accounts were blocked by Merkos. There is no transparency.

    When nearly 2 years had passed and, according to publishedd reports, millions of dollars had been fundraised for the rebuilding of the Mumbai Chabad House, the families merely wanted an update from Chabad’s corporate leadership as to when these funds were to be allocated to the actual construction efforts.

    Up until August of this year there was still blood on the walls of the Nariman House! Its doors only opened to walk diginitaries and potential donors through to invoke sympathy towards the rebuilding. To the families of kedoshim, and to the greater Chabad family, this shouldnt be acceptable.

    There are other goings on that as you mentioned should not be aired in public and should continue to try to be worked though behind closed doors. However, this needed to be made public. Merkos has been operating behind a veil of secrecy regarding their fundraising efforts for Chabad Mumbai and has put a brick wall between themselves and the only people who should really be involved.

    I commend Eliran Russo and Rabbi Holtzberg for finally taking this necessary step. It is extremely unfortunate that it had to come to this, but Merkos has no one to blame but themselves. If they merely provided the transparency and openess you described…

  4. Why isn’t this lashon hara. YWN has determined it is lashonhara if I write that I didn’t like a particular music CD, yet sees no issues with airing this story that has little relevance to most people?

  5. Without directly commenting on this particular case one thing is clear. There must be total transparency when raising funds for Charity. There are dozens of fraudulent cases that I know of. We the givers – donaters – have a responsibility to assertain and verify to whom we give to.
    Lubavitch should have made it public from the get go who is in charge of the monies collected.
    Also I find it wrong that the fund is mixed with the upkeep of Moshe and rebuilding Chabad House in Mumbai. Those are totally two seperate inyanim!
    My advise to all donors do not be fooled by your emotions – yes give Tzedaka – but know exactly to whom you give.
    It is the donors responsibility to make sure that he doesnt get ripped off. When you make an investment with your money you have to do due diligence>

  6. To familyintheknow:

    I wrote a whole response & then deleted it, as it would only cause more pain & inflame an already nasty situation.

    I’d like to know one thing: why did Rabbi Holtzberg think it’s OK to publicize his actions? Even if he wasn’t getting what he wanted, how does going public positively impact the Mumbai tragedy? He’s already suing Pakistan. Does he think this is good publicity to get additional funding? Isn’t he cutting off his nose to spite his face? Surely there is a better way, more dignified & appropriate, than to publicly blast Merkos? Sometimes, being right (& I still don’t believe he is) doesn’t justify the actions.

    Barsechel: I agree. Know to whom you donate, no matter which group or organization is ultimately responsible. As for the separate/joint funds: why are you so certain? You may be right, you may be wrong.

  7. To bestbubby:

    Rabbi Holtzberg is protecting his sons legacy. This is in no way about money. It is about being disrespected and manipulated by people the family trusted were doing the right thing and had the correct intentions in mind.

    Walking into the Chabad house close to 2 years later and finding your son’s blood still caked on the walls is unacceptable. When asking when and how the funds being allocated to restore the Chabad house will be actually sent to Mumbai for the purpose they were fund raised for and being told that is none of his business is unacceptable.

    Merkos has used the Holtzberg and Rosenberg families in fund raising efforts since day 1. Countless Chabad Houses have profited from this tragedy. Building were erected, sifrei Torah have been written which is all beautiful and the families would not have it any other way. But to be treated with such utter disrespect is beyond reproach. I will not go into descriptive details about the other ridiculous actions by specific Merkos individuals because even recalling some of these acts gets my blood boiling.

    Merkos representatives are petitioning donations from individuals who are assuming their money is going towards the rebuilding efforts when in fact not a dime has been spent on restoring the Nariman House in over 2 years!

    The claims from the Merkos representative listed in the previous article claiming they have spent money restoring the foundation of the building is a complete and utter lie. The public deserves to know the truth. That is why rabbi Holtzberg went public.

    You cannot stand by and be continually spit on and just do nothing anymore.

    It is extremely unfortunate that it had to come to this and I hope none of the realy dirty laundry is aired.

  8. “You cannot stand by and be continually spit on and just do nothing anymore.”

    One thing you certainly can not do is spread lashon hara.

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