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OU Thanks San Francisco Mayor For Speaking Out Against proposed Ban against Bris Milah

On Monday, the Orthodox Union, wrote a letter to San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, regarding the proposed ballot initiative in San Francisco that would effectively ban Bris Milah, reported on YWN..

The following is the text of the letter:

November 22,2010/14 Kislev 5771
Hon. Gavin Newsom, Mayor

City Hall, Room 200
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Dear Mayor Newsom:

The Orthodox Union, as the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization writes today on behalf of our synagogues nationally, including nearly two dozen across California, regarding the proposed ballot initiative in San Francisco that would effectively ban circumcision.

We are aware of your public statements on the matter, and are grateful that you believe such an action would be “out of touch” and that you would work to defeat such a proposal if it made it onto the ballot. As you know, this would be far more than an instance of San Francisco appearing “out of touch.” A ban on circumcisions below the age of eighteen would be a violation of the First Amendment rights of many, including Jews and Muslims who for religious reasons circumcise children. Such a ban would effectively tell Jews and not only Orthodox Jews, but Jews of all denominations -that they are unwelcome in San Francisco. This is not the America, nor the California that we hold up to the world.

We again thank you for your public comments. Please know that we are ready to work with you, and others, in San Francisco and across California, to protect religious liberty.

Nathan Diament Director of Public Policy
Howie Beigelman Deputy Director of Public Policy

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. I don’t understand how these people have a right to say if we can or can’t do bris Milah, who do they think they are? I mean does it bother them? If I want to give my son a bris what is diff to them it’s my sons body not theirs? Again it’s just liberals trying to control our life. Its just like the mcdonalds happy meals that they tried to also ban in San Fran. Who are they to tell people what to eat? If i want to eat fat and unhealthy its my choice not theirs.Just a bunch of retarded losers who’s only thrills in life is making other peoples lives miserable

  2. What is wrong with these people? Why in the world do they care if we do bris milah? How does it affect them? Stupid liberals who have nothing better to do with their life other to make issues for klal yisroel…

  3. Some people view it as mutilation. For them, it makes sense to ban circumcision on kids until they can agree to it. However, that brings up stickier questions – at what point do parents lose their right to decide on medical interventions for their kids?

    At the same time though, “liberals” are asking for gay marriage which doesn’t really affect you either. Why should you care what people do and who they make contracts with?

    Remember, freedom is a two way street.

  4. SjSiNYC ur right gay marriage doesnt effect me that is why i dont care about it as long as they live their lives they can do what they want i dont bother them. But they dont want to stop there they want to teach our children about iy in schools. Thats bothersome and that i care about.

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