On Anniversary, Secret Service Agents Open Up About JFK Assassination

After decades of silence, former U.S. Secret Service agents assigned to protect President John F. Kennedy have come forward to offer their accounts of what happened 47 years ago today.

Agents Clint Hill and Jerry Blaine talked to CNN, recounting the burden they felt in the aftermath of the shooting. Both describe feelings of failure with knowing they couldn’t protect the President that day.

In the infamous video footage, Hill is the man seen running toward the limousine within seconds of the shooting, moving First Lady Jackie Kennedy from the back hood to her seat and shielding her from anymore possible bullets.

The two have rarely shed light on that day until now. A new account of the assassination is detailed in Blaine’s book, “The Kennedy Detail,” and is based on interviews with several agents on duty that day. Some agents see the book as a chance to counter conspiracy theorists who believe Lee Harvey Oswald was not responsible for the death of Kennedy.

(Source: NJ Star Ledger)

6 Responses

  1. Had to be more to it than what meets the eye.

    -Oswald shoots and kills Kennedy.
    -Ruby shoots and kills Oswald.
    -A year or two later Ruby is dead of “cancer”.

    A LOT of coincidences.

  2. Mafia hit on orders of Santo Trafficante, who ordered Johnnie Rosselli to find a nut to shoot Kennedy, and then get someone to shoot the killer to close the trail back. Ruby dies of cancer. Rosselli is found shot and floating in a barrel in S.F. bay. Reason for the whole thing was to stop RFK from going after Jimmy Hoffa.

  3. esmith92000…

    Sounds logical, but if Rosselli was killed presumeably to keep the whole plot from being revealed, how DID this become known, and why would it have been kept secret from the public?

  4. Enough with the conspiracy theories. Oswald had plenty of motivation on his own, and nobody has ever come up with any real evidence of anything else.

  5. After spending years in prison, why didn’t Ruby talk?
    The hit was done by the CIA to stop JFK from giving state secrets to his women friends.
    Eeka d’amre, that it was Castro altz n’kama, because JFK had attempted a hit on him.

  6. The most likely theory (based on evidence) is that a somewhat nutty “self-hating” American shot him, and a mildly nutty frei Jew with a big ego decided to make a hero out of himself by shooting the shooter. And a bunch of people out of touch with reality decided to come up with ridiculous theories based on zero evidence (or perhaps they are also nutty self-hating American – as that seems to be the sort of people into conspiracy theories).

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