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Ethics Panel Votes 9-1 To Censure Rep. Rangel

Rejecting a plea for leniency from Rep. Charles Rangel, the House ethics committee voted to censure the New York Democrat, marking the first time in more than three decades that any lawmaker will face such a public rebuke by his colleagues.

By a vote of 9 to 1, the ethics committee imposed the harsh penalty on Rangel.

Rangel was found guilty on Tuesday on 11 counts, including allegations that he improperly solicited millions of dollars from corporate officials and lobbyists for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at The City College of New York, failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars of income and assets on financial disclosure forms, maintained a rent-stabilized unit in a Harlem luxury apartment building for his campaign committee, and failed to pay income taxes on a villa in the Dominican Republic.

Under a censure resolution, Rangel will have to stand alone in the well of the House while receiving a verbal rebuke from Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on behalf of her colleagues.

The censure resolution will also be read out under that procedure, a further indignity for the 80-year-old Democrat.

Rangel will also be “required to pay restitution for any unpaid taxes” on a vacation home in the Dominican Republic, said Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), chairwoman of the House ethics committee.

Lofgren called the decision “quite wrenching,” which came after three hours of closed-door talks by the full ethics committee.

The New York Democrat refused to talk to reporters following the announcement. He apologized to the ethics committee, and repeated a plea to the panel to “see your way clear in the record, to make it abundantly clear as the record would indicate, that any action taken by me was not with the intention to bring any disgrace on the House or to enrich myself personally, or considered by [ethics committee] counsel to be corrupt.”

(Read More: Politico)

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