Security or Access; Concern Of WTC Fortress

A secret NYPD effort to evaluate the impact of proposed security measures at the new World Trade Center is giving site participants and other downtown players the jitters.

Executives and business advocates hoping to see a great new complex rise and thrive, fear the prospect of barricades, vehicle-screening turntables and closed streets like those around the New York Stock Exchange.

“Far from reassuring prospective tenants, they will scare them away,” is the unanimous refrain.

Two weeks ago, the NYPD quietly put out a request for proposals to environmental consulting firms—a step toward evaluating the effect of proposed new security measures on matters such as air quality and traffic.

Although few have actually read the RFP, its mere existence has set off tremors among WTC rebuilding advocates who fear that over-restrictive security plans could damage prospects for the site just as redevelopment is finally taking off.

An earlier, LMDC-commissioned environmental impact statement turned stale in 2008, after the NYPD was tapped to oversee WTC security under a deal between Mayor Bloomberg and the Port Authority.

Some downtown rebuilding officials, as well as real estate executives and business advocates, now fear that what’s called the “Campus Security Plan” will create “war zone” conditions at the site and even on Church Street outside of it.

Yesterday, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said, “It goes without saying that ensuring the security of Lower Manhattan is critically important, but there has to be a balance between security and the very real need for access. Right now, there is a critical need for more transparency from the NYPD about their plans.”

No one doubts the NYPD’s clout. In 2004—even before it was given the lead security role—it forced a complete redesign of 1 WTC, then called the Freedom Tower, setting the already delayed project back another year.

Sources said nothing in talks ongoing between the PA and the NYPD is final. But one said, “There will definitely be some level of change to the open-street grid under Ray Kelly’s plan. Exactly what form and shape it will take is unknown. They’re still on the first 10 yards.”

A different source said that Condé Nast—the most desired prospective tenant, potentially taking 1 million square feet at 1 WTC—is not yet a party to the talks, but would be drawn in once the PA and the NYPD come up with a plan both can live with.

The tension is ratcheting up as marketing efforts for the office towers go into full swing. The PA’s 1 WTC is soaring and Larry Silverstein’s 4 WTC has reached the seventh floor—the first office level.

While a Cushman & Wakefield team led by Tara Stacom jug gles offers at 1 WTC for the PA and its partner Douglas Durst, sources said Sil verstein has de cided to tap a crack CB Richard Ellis team, probably headed by Mary Ann Tighe and Stephen B. Siegel, for both 4 WTC and planned 3 WTC, although it won’t be announced until 2011.

The NYPD did not respond to a request for comment. All other parties declined to comment.

(Source: NY Post)

One Response

  1. Perhaps the NYPD has forgotten that the WTC was brought down by planes, maybe they should be more attentive to having a save haven for terrorists (mosque) so close to the new WTC then the workers and tourists whom will be coming through the area

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