Brooklyn, NY: Red Paint Attack For Woman Trying To Save Kaporos Chickens

The Gothamist reports:

Usually the animal activists are the ones tossing the red paint, but last night a woman’s home was targeted, allegedly because she’s the founding member of the Alliance to End Chickens as Kapparos (which is the annual chicken sacrificing ritual performed around Yom Kippur). Rina Deych told us:

I have our banner hanging on the second floor of my 3-family house in Brooklyn. When my son came home at 11:30 this evening (11/13/2010), he woke me up to inform me that someone had splattered red paint all over our front door and porch. Although we suspected it was anger at our banner, we weren’t sure until, while giving a police report, we noticed that someone had painted our sign with a roller.

Freedom of speech is legal. Destruction of private property is not. This act of vandalism is particularly troubling—especially since it was clearly done by so-called religious people.

Deych has called the Shomrim, who “said they could probably not help.” While the paint doesn’t seem to be that plentiful, she also noted that she and her son are asthmatic “and these fumes are detrimental to us and to our rescued animals.”

(Source: Gothamist)

15 Responses

  1. “This act of vandalism is particularly troubling —
    especially since it was clearly done by so-called religious
    Says who? It could be anyone? To make it a clear cut case is wrong. Opinion journalism at it’s best. For shame.

  2. She is a soneh das and a meshumed for her small minded ideas
    The paint is only a small onesh of what she will get
    How is it that this weisel thinks she has a say to be mevatel a minhag yisroel that’s around for thousands of years
    The chuitzpah of todays dor for anyone to stand up and defend this rishantah in any way what so ever

  3. I don’t know what this vandal thought he gained… all he gained is media sympathy for her and a chillul hashem for us. It’s not as if this will ever deter this nutty lady from her agenda.
    With a lady such as her, I’m sure many out there have grudges against her and her wacky ideas. Let’s hope that the one who did it was not Jewish, for in our religion, this activity is unacceptable.

  4. To #9 – smart2 – this Minhag is NOT thousands of years old. In Rashis’ time they used bean sprouts. It’s not mentioned in the Gemara.

    The Mechaber in Siman 505 (page 141 of the last volume of the Mishna Berura) says one should stop this Minhag.

    That said, part of the Minhag of Kaporos is to throw the guts of the chicken out – since they feed on stolen goods. A reminder to do Teshuva on theft.

    So damaging property to save Kaporos shows an obvious lack of understanding.

  5. Not that I condone destruction of private (or public) property, how do they complain when someone uses their own methods against them? The animal rights people obviously feel that throwing paint at people, or their property is ok, if that’s their policy, let it go both ways….

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