Explosion Shuts Indian Point Nuclear Plant For Short While

Buchanan, NY – A transformer exploded at a nuclear power plant north of New York City, leading to an emergency shut down of one of its reactors.

An official with the Indian Point plant in Buchanan says no one was injured in Sunday’s explosion.

The plant is owned by Entergy Corp. Company spokesman Jim Steets says no radioactive materials leaked.

He says the transformer was outside and not near the reactor. He said there was no fire despite earlier reports.

Indian Point 2 was shut down after the explosion just after 6:30 p.m. Indian Point 3 was operating normally.

It was the second shutdown within the hour at an Entergy-owned plant.

The Vermont Yankee nuclear plant in Vernon, Vt., shut down at about 7 p.m. after workers detected radioactive water seeping from a leaky pipe in the complex.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says the two shutdowns were “complete coincidence.”

(Source: LoHud)

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