Bloomberg’s Daughter Falls Off Horse, May Have Fractured Spine

Mayor Bloomberg’s horse-loving daughter took a frightening spill over the weekend and might have suffered a concussion and fractured spine, officials said today.

Georgina Bloomberg, 27, was aboard a horse named Radio City on Friday night at the Syracuse Invitational Sporthorse Tournament when her saddle slipped and she fell off, knocking the mayor’s youngest daughter unconscious.

She eventually got up off the Oncenter War Memorial Arena floor on her own power and walked away, declining medical attention, officials said. But she got up in pain Saturday morning and went to a hospital.

(Source: NY Post)

10 Responses

  1. Why is she in the Baruch Dayan haEmes section?! Please move her out of the morgue!
    #4 – she is Jewish. Daven for her – Georgina bas Susan.

  2. Rabbosai:
    It’s a news article about an accident involving the daughter of the Mayor of NYC. A broken spine is quite serious; a little consideration for the young woman is in order.
    I disagree with the Mayor on a number of things. There are problems with “Obamacare.” Neither is the issue here. This is also not the time to chide the Mayor over his policies, behavior, or hashkafa. Tomorrow, the day after, or later will be the proper time to be political: support or decry his policies, give him musar about his behavior, etc.
    Today, we should all be mispalel for a refuah shelaima for Ms. Bloomber.

  3. @shlomo thank you. You are right we need to have Rachmanis, and only wish that Mayor Bloombergs daughter has a refuah shelama.

  4. Her spine cannot be fractured if she walked on her own. Refuah shlema to all the sick and wounded in our machane, and may all have a Good Chodesh.

  5. #8,
    Actually, that’s not true. A friend of mine walked away (albeit in pain) from a fall down a flight of stairs, and it was later discovered that two of her vertebrae were chipped.

  6. The article seems to suggest that she, upon falling, knocked the mayor’s youngest daughter unconscious. I think the writer tripped over himself, too.

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