Shelly Silver Faces Coup Rumors In NY Assembly

Some foot soldiers in the state Assembly are whispering about something that hasn’t been tried in 10 years — a long-shot attempt to dethrone Sheldon Silver as speaker.

A few rank-and-file legislators — some of whom have Andrew Cuomo’s ear — have mused about a move against Silver if he becomes an obstacle to the governor-elect’s agenda.

“Some are monitoring the situation, but aren’t prepared to move forward without Cuomo,” said one Democratic assemblyman from the city. “The question is whether Cuomo is willing to go nuclear or not.”

Cuomo has told some lawmakers he’s concerned Silver will block the governor-elect’s push for financial and ethics reform, and his property-tax cap.

Assembly Dems will hold an informal vote in December.

No clear candidate has emerged, but the likeliest scenario for a coup, insiders say, is that the 31-member Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian caucus would join with an outer-borough delegation and a few upstate Democrats to plot an ouster.

Sources close to Cuomo said he’s not willing to back any coup against Silver and actually wants to keep him around — as long as the veteran pol stays cooperative.

For one thing, Albany insiders say, Silver is widely viewed as the most competent leader in the dysfunctional legislature.

“Silver’s word is solid in terms of delivering votes, whereas the Senate can’t even speak for its Democratic conference or deliver its votes,” said a veteran Albany watcher.

More likely than not, Silver will remain the speaker, said a city Democrat. “I don’t see the cohesiveness downstate,” said Bronx Assemblyman Peter Rivera. “I haven’t heard of any cabal plotting anything.”

Silver may voluntarily relinquish his leadership role after this term, said an Albany source close to the speaker.

“There is widespread speculation that this may be his last term as speaker, especially with the likelihood that Cuomo is going to try and pass the toughest ethics-reform law ever,” the source said.

That reform law would require Silver to disclose his law-firm income — something he has never volunteered to do.

The last coup attempt against Silver in 2000 ended in disaster for veteran Syracuse Assemblyman Michael Bragman. Silver brutally crushed Bragman and stripped him of his majority-leadership position and $34,500 stipend. His supporters lost their committee chairmanships.

Coup plotters would have to get a simple majority — at least 50 to 52 votes, depending on the outcome of four undecided races — at the informal vote in December. A speaker candidate would then need 76 votes at a full Assembly vote in January to win the coveted post.

New York State Assembly

Undecided: 4
Republicans: 49
Democrats: 97

50-52 Democrats needed to nominate a new speaker
31 Democratic minority caucus members

(Source: NY Post)

3 Responses

  1. myfriend your ignorance is scary. There is no politician who has done more for yeshivos than Shelly Silver. He is quiet and efficient. Lose him and you will rue the day that happens. The lack of hakaras hatov towards people is amazing.

  2. #1 myfriend,

    I hope you are very wealthy and are going to personally going to replace the millions that Speaker Silver has channelled to Jewish organizations.

    But that isn’t even Speaker Silver’s greatest accomplishment for Jews. He was essential in getting the assisted reproductive technology mandate in both Medicaid and private health insurance. The frum community is the biggest user of this mandate. There are untold numbers of frum kids today who WOULD NOT EXIST without this mandate. There will be severe pressure to eliminate this mandate and that isn’t going to happen as long as Silver is Speaker.

    It should also be mentioned that it is a kiddush HaShem that budget negotiations cease a few hours before Shabat and Yom Tov.

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