Flatbush Shomrim Warns Gambling Parlors In The Community

Even before the sinking economy and high unemployment rate, there were those who took on gambling as their prime source of income.

Now, with jobs scarce and despair rising, even more people are putting their resources and future at risk for a chance to turn a quick, illegal buck.

Flatbush Shomrim, the volunteer safety and security patrol that works closely with the NYPD, has received an alarmingly high number of anonymous calls from frightened wives whose husbands have lost family valuables in illegal gambling operations in the neighborhood.

These operations are right here and right under our noses, in the midst of our yeshivas, shuls and places of legitimate business. The outside of a gambling parlor may look like any other residential house that fits into the neighborhood, or even based out of phony storefronts. Single and married men from all over our neighborhood walk in and out at all hours of the day and night. This must be stopped.

Flatbush Shomrim is alerting all homeowners and storeowners that they must not rent to gamblers, despite the temptation of high rent or kickbacks from the criminal proprietors.

Such tenants who may seem legitimate, may even sublet the apartment or store without moving in. Criminal proprietors of such establishments have also fallen prey to armed robberies, attracting even more danger in our the community.

With zero tolerance for criminal activity that could embarrass our community and further endanger struggling families, Flatbush Shomrim is compiling a list of suspected gambling sites to be investigated by the police.

Those who have become addicted to gambling can get help from Safe Foundation by calling 866-569-SAFE (7233). Trained counselors are ready to help them with this problem and get their lives back on track.

Gambling parlors do not belong in our community. Everyone must do their part to keep our community safe from dangerous and illegal behavior. To report suspicious activity, call the Flatbush Shomrim 24/7 Emergency Hotline 718-338-9797.

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(YWN Desk – NYC)

21 Responses

  1. So, who is going to be the first to call Shomrim a moiser because they are handing over addresses to the police? Or, are we calling the gamblers moisrim?

  2. The worst the economy gets the lower people will fall. A list of these establihments should be broadcasted and there should be Shomrim members ouside making sure that no Yid goes inside or at least take a nice picture of the ones who are defiant and go inside so that would be some sort of deterent.

  3. Moiser?!

    These people are a cancer, and need to rooted out from our communities just as pedohpiles must.

    And if you question Shomrim, they have a panel of rabbonim, one of whom is Rav Dovid Cohen. I’m sure they already have their psak halacha.

  4. Geloibt is Der Eibishter for giving us the Shomrim. Far from being moisrim are they. These gambling places are rodfim, ruining and killing people and families. The Shomrim should make public the landlords too, who have rented to these lowlifes who made the gambling parlors. Everyone who has any knowledge has a chiyuv to expose them.

  5. This is even worse than people think and than is written here. There are scores of bochurim and married men who go do these poker places late at nights in basements and other secret spots. Some of these places have been shut down only to reopen shortly thereafter in another spot. In addition there are those who go to Atlantic City as well. I know one newly married yeshiva guy who’s been going to AC and slowly dwindling his chasuna money. This is a terrible problem in our midst to which I don’t know of a good solution.

  6. There is something that no one has mentioned:

    Our yeshivas should already bring in counselors at the elementary and high school level to discuss the dangers of gambling. We should not only be reactive, we should be proactive and try to prevent bochurim from entering into these reckless ways.

    Kol Hakavod to Shomrim and YWN for helping the community on this serious matter!

  7. Setting up more ‘extra curricular’ activities for frum kids, teens, singles and married individuals would help provide an outlet for those who are bored and can’t spend every free moment shteiging away. Ideas include music, art, organized sports with teams, book clubs, volunteer work at tzedakos etc…

    The root of this gambling epidedmic is that people are bored. Yes there are some guys that will always find trouble no matter what is being offered to them, but for many, partaking in structured activities keeps them busy and out of trouble.

  8. Chanuka is approaching. Let’s remind people that dreidel is a ‘family game’, it can be played with nuts or candy, and does NOT have to give our children the impression of muttardik gambling.

  9. Michael so true. Boredom is a fertile breeding ground for the Yetzer Hora. Boredom will also bring depression, another thing that the Yetzer Hora loves. Just as physical Nature abhors a vacuum, so does ruchniyus abhor a vacuum. The Yetzer Hora rushes in to fill the vacuum with his stuff. And he has lots of stuff. The current epidemic is gambling.
    Boruch excellent idea. Educating the kids to the dangers. But, ain’t gonna happen. The yeshivos basically hide their heads when it comes to issues confronting the kids.

  10. The root of the problem is emunah. You can blame boredom and the economy all you want but the real cause is lack of emunah and bitachon. Hashem provides for all of us – we just have to accept what he gives. We can’t make an ‘end run’ around the Borei Olam and expect to get ahead.

  11. In lakewood we have a psak that these houses are rodfim and are allowed to go to the police who generally just dismantle these homes. The people get warnings that if they will get caught again they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  12. What makes gambling such a problem ( anyone who has been involved with it can attest to this) is that like drugs and alcohol, it is very addictive. Whether it’s because of the thrill of winning or the dream of becoming instantly rich it can make someone obsessed with playing “just one more hand”.

    There are many types of gambling, we can start on Chanukah where a spin of a dreidle in a 9th grade class can go for 10 dollars, or where a quick office game of k’vitlach can lose your husband a weeks paycheck in a matter of minutes! Then you have lottery tickets, where a 16 year old boy uses his bar mitzvah money or weekly allowance on lottery tickets. Now, one small point for the lottery players out there, the instant scratch off tickets that say you can win a thousand bucks a week for life or an instant million dollars are as fixed as can be. The state does this to make money. They only give back an average of 30 percent on every dollar. So if you win 20 bucks one day you will have to spend another 60 dollars to start getting money again. As for the regular lotto like mega millions and New York Lotto you have a 1 in 45,000,000 chance to match all the winning numbers so when they say “you need a dollar and a dream”, well keep on dreaming!

    But the greatest addiction to most men is the game of Poker. It has become extremely popular since the turn of the century where millions have gotten hooked on poker especially the game called Texas Holdem. There are many places to play, some that are legal some that are not. You can go to casinos in Atlantic City or in Connecticut. Or stay local and play at illegal poker clubs (run unfortunately by so called heimishe men) or at a friend’s house. Then there are online poker sites (they are illegal in the United States, but the owners are very smart and they base them out of other countries) where you can play and lose lots of cash from the comfort of your own home and with the click of a mouse! The options are endless! It’s an addiction that has caused many people their friendships, their jobs, or Chas V’shalom their marriages! I know of cases where wives think their husbands are at work or in yeshiva, when they are really wasting their precious time and money playing poker. Teenagers that could be using their valuable time to learn Torah fall into this terrible yetzer hora at local internet cafes or playing a few rounds of cards with friends. I know of a few instances where boys have gone into their marriages in debt because of gambling and credit card debts reaching well into the thousands. It is hard enough financially for most young couples, they really don’t need to start in debt. Then there are married men who unfortunately get so in debt they end up losing their wives and children over this. I am writing this letter to help make known this growing issue in the frum world. If you know of someone or suspect someone of having this terrible addiction, help them! Rabbeim, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, family members, friends etc… please help out those who need it. B”H we have yeshivas in many different states. In Connecticut near the yeshiva there is a large casino and in New Jersey, not so far from Lakewood is Atlantic City. We have to keep an eye out on this growing issue. May Hashem help us in overcoming any problems or addictions we might have!

    Another way to lose money is betting on sports. Even though following sports might be a good outlet for some, when it turns to betting on games, families have been damaged.

    VERY IMPORTANT INFO; please boys and men don’t fool for the Coney Island scam game where they ask you to double your money to win a huge teddy bear or big price… They never give you the price and you lose hundreds of dollars…… Those that have been to Coney island arcades know what I am talking about!!

  13. Rachmana ltzlan! I had no idea. From experience as a kid, 70 years ago, I can tell you poker is the worst, because it seems so inviting. As for the lottery, I had advice from a gadol, just buy one $1 scratch-off. If Hashem wants you to have the money, He will give it. If not, not. Every week, I see “frum” Yidden buying handfuls of tickets (at Arab-run stores!) and of course you know the results.
    Absolutely, names and addresses MUST be posted from reliable sources such as Shomrim. Give these fools one big advance warning, with sources of help, and then go to it.
    BTW, halacha issurs gamblers in various ways, such as being witnesses in BD.

  14. Its not only boredom it is debts and desperation that sends someone to go out to gamble. After a game or two, the addiction sets in. Hashem have compassion on am yisroel.

  15. A must see video by Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski concerning gambling in the frum community:


    Gambling ruins marriages and friendships and is virtually incurable. Charm and deception becomes part of the chemical makeup of the gambler, whether they need to lie or not and has so been recognized by chazal. DO NOT LEND MONEY TO A GAMBLER; you are feeding his habit and will never get your money back.

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