Japan Trial Update 10/21/10

It’s been a very eventful week for Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava. On Monday, the final phase of his trial began. Rav Moshe Chaim Levy, Mashgiach of Satmar Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, took the stand and testified about Yoel Zev’s  excellent character. Yoel Zev was brought to the witness stand shortly afterwards. He seemed quite confident and self assured. As was reported on this website, he was questioned about his knowledge of the secular world, and it was obvious from his responses that he was totally unfamiliar with it.

On Tuesday, Yoel Zev was questioned about his trip to Japan. He said he had asked the flight attendant to assist him in filling out the landing form, being that he had no previous experience with international travel.  The defense brought up another important element in the story, the language barrier.  Since Yoel Zev didn’t understand a word of either Japanese or English, many of the original statements which he made while being questioned by airport security were misconstrued by  government interpreters.

It was also noted that a new judge had been assigned to his case just two weeks ago, and askanim are hopeful that he will be more attuned to the details and the facts of this case than the preceding judge.  They are planning to request permission to submit new evidence or perhaps to bring another witness (polygraph Professional )to the stand to testify in defense of Yoel Zev.

On Wednesday, Rabbi Moshe Dovid Niederman of United Jewish Org. of Williamsburg, testified for almost five hours.  He described in detail the history of Satmar, beginning with the Satmar Rebbe’s coming to America from Europe and opening Satmar mosdos.  The Rebbe’s primary mission was to keep his Chassidim separated from the negative influences of the outside world.  Youngsters, especially, are sheltered from the environment and have virtually no contact with any secular media whatsoever.

At this point the prosecutor interjected, pointing out that several years ago there actually was an incident reported in the press of  Chassidic Jews smuggling and trafficking drugs.  Rabbi Niederman explained that he is personally familiar with that case, and assured the court that the circumstances were entirely different.  Those individuals were not Yeshiva students and were involved with the secular world.

It seemed to the askanim that the judge took tremendous interest in the defense testimony, especially in the description of the Chassidic lifestyle.  Closing arguments in Yoel Zev’s trial will begin on November 2nd.

According to R’Naftali Steiner, one of the askanim involved in the case, “We understand that the olam is very concerned about the fate of these boys, and we are committed to doing our utmost in keeping everyone informed on forums such as this one.”  He assures us that the greatest efforts are being made to bring this to a favorable conclusion.  “Our most prominent and capable askanim,” he said, “are working around the clock and have been occupied with this case for two and a half years.  They are being cautiously optimistic.  Dayan Weiss who heads the rescue mission, spared no expense in hiring Japan’s most skilled and qualified lawyers to work on our behalf.”

As far as the rest of us are concerned, he asks that we continue to daven for a yeshua for Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava and Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel.  The olam is urged to contribute whatever they can to help pay the astronomical expenses that have accrued in these heroic efforts to achieve pidyon shvuyim.


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