Tehillim Needed For Tosher Rebbe Shlita

Please be Mispallel for the Tosher Rebbe Shlita, who has been admitted to the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal.

The Rebbe was taken by Hatzolah to the hospital on Monday evening, and reportedly has a pneumonia.

His name is Meshulam Feish ben Tzirel.

Besuros Tovos.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. the Holy Tosher Rebbe is Tzadik Hador our dor needs him pls pray for full recovery!
    B”H good news came that the Rebbe has Strongly improved overnight & thier hoping for his release today.

    Photo of Tosher Rebbe Shlita with Bobover Rebbe Shlita

    Pic: http://twitpic.com/2gaxif

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