AG Candidate Donovan Meets With The Five Towns & Far Rockaway Jewish Community

On Sunday, Attorney General Candidate Dan Donovan met with Jewish Community Leaders from the Five Towns of Long Island and Far Rockaway. He was accompanied by State Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos. Donovan, who is currently the District Attorney of Staten Island, pledged to use the platform of Attorney General to vigorously purse fairness and equality for all religions. He also has a Zero tolerance policy for internal corruption within the State Government and will aggressively prosecute individuals who don’t adhere to this.

Among the distinguished attendees that Donovan addressed was Rabbi Binyomin Kaminetsky, Rabbi Mordechai Kaminetsky, Rabbi Shimon Lefkowitz, and Community Leaders Yankie Brach, Abel Feldhamer, Michael Fragin, Alan Gerber, Larry Gordon, Meir Krengle, Jeff Leb, and Izzy Wasser.

Donovan answered questions from the group about a variety of topics. Regarding the Ground Zero Mosque, Donovan said that while he respects the Mosque’s organizers 1st amendment rights to build there, he would encourage them to be sensitive to the families and friends of the victims of the September 11th attacks and would like the Mosque organizers to find another location.

In response to a question about the Rockefeller Drug Laws, Donovan stated that he wants tougher sentences for all criminals. Senator Skelos noted with great frustration, that Senator Eric Schneiderman, Donovan’s Democratic opponent voted into law a bill that would permit criminals with felonies to have their criminal records sealed so that they wouldn’t show up in a background check. These criminals can then apply for jobs at Yeshivos and other organizations and their criminal history would remain hidden.

When Donovan was asked about his opponent Eric Schneiderman’s promise to give Al Sharpton an “annex” in his office, Donovan said that it was completely inappropriate. On its face, it’s a serious problem because of the Attorney General’s responsibility to monitor charities and non-profits through the Charities Bureau. It would pose a tremendous conflict of interest to give a charity like Sharpton’s House of Justice, an office in the Attorney General’s office. This represents an outright and direct pandering to special interests in exchange for an endorsement.

Donovan concluded his meeting by telling the attendees that if he is elected, every one will have a voice in Albany regardless of the size of the constituency that they represent. He pledged to bring the incredibly successful strategies that he employed as Staten Island District Attorney to the office of New York State Attorney General.

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(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. He had better come back and meet with real community leaders.This is not meant as a snub of the Kaminetzkis.
    The other guys (while very fine gentlemen)have no clout outside of their circle.

  2. Kudos to the chevra for getting out to support such a fine candidate who isn’t insane like Paladino. I’m voting for Donovan for Attorney General !

    On another note, I disagree with “red” – the first commenter. I happen to know most of the people mentioned in the article and I see firsthand that they are always involved in Osek Betzorchei Tzibur. I for one am proud to have them as part of my community.

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