CNN Fires Anchor After Implying Jews Run The Newschannel

CNN anchor Rick Sanchez has been summarily fired by the cable channel, as controversy was building online over comments he made during a radio interview calling Daily Show host Jon Stewart a bigot and implying Jewish people run his employer.

A spokeswoman for the show would not return phone calls, but did email CNN’s statement: “Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well. We will broadcast CNN Newsroom from 3-5pm for the foreseeable future.”

Ire over Sanchez’s comments built online Friday as more people became aware of his odd statements, aired Thursday on comic Pete Dominick’s Sirius XM show.

During the interview, Sanchez asserted that Stewart surrounds himself with people who are just like him. Later, he noted: “Everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority? Yeah.”


4 Responses

  1. There was a 4 minute sound clip posted and the worst thing he did was in a backhanded way, praise FoxNews. Thats probably why they canned him.

  2. i watched him a few years ago and it was obvious to me that he was an antisemite, he had it in his body language that he was a nationalist of south western european nations. i verbalized it to a few people that it was obvious about him. spain is known as the most antisemitic place in the world for a very long time. it didnt make any sense why he as on the business channel all day unless leftists put him there to hinder the economy.

  3. 3,
    He’s actually cuban…. Most of his comments were complaining about how Jon Stewart makes fun of him and how detached liberal elites can’t understand him b.c he grew up as a poor hispanic. His ‘anti semitism’ was that he doesn’t believe Jews are oppressed like poor hispanics are. He in fact clearly states in the clips that he has no problem with Jews, and that he would never deny that Jews have historically been oppressed. I think his exact comment was that Jon Stewart’s father may have understood oppression, but Stewart can’t. I think they fired him because he mouthed off about CNN, not because of anti-semitism.

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