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Neo-Nazi Skinhead Couple Discover They Are JEWISH

A married couple have revealed how they turned their backs on their violent neo-Nazi past – after discovering they were both Jewish.

The one-time skinheads grew up as part of a hate-filled white power gang in Warsaw, the capital of Poland and once the site of the largest Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe.

But now they are devout members of an Orthodox Jewish synagogue.

The truth about their roots had been buried by their parents to escape persecution from first the Germans and then the Soviet-controlled post-war government.

Even when the couple started spewing anti-Semitic slogans and attacking Jews, their parents still kept silent about their heritage.

Pawel and Ola – who asked for only their first names to be used in a CNN documentary on their story – met at school when they were twelve and married at eighteen.

By then they were heavily involved in the neo-Nazi movement that was rife in Warsaw’s concrete jungle housing estates.

Just 350,000 Jews remained in Poland after the war, a tenth of the population from before the Holocaust, and many fled in the quarter of a century that followed.

For those that remained, parents often decided it better to keep their true faith a secret.

But Ola remembered something her mother once let slip about her Jewish heritage.

And when she checked at Poland’s Jewish Historical Institute she learned the truth – that not only was she a Jew, but so was her husband.

She told CNN of her shock. ‘Something told me to do it. It was unbelievable.

‘It turned out that we had Jewish roots. It was a shock. I didn’t expect to find out that  I had a Jewish husband.’

She said she did not know how to tell Pawel the truth.‘I didn’t know how to tell him. I loved him even if he was a punk or skinhead, if he beat people up or not.’

When she did, a disbelieving Pawel confronted his parents.

He said he had been a skinhead and a nationalist ‘100 per cent’. ‘It  was all about white power and I believed Poland was only for Poles. That Jews were the biggest plague and the worst evil of this world,’ he told CNN.

It was difficult to describe the emotions he felt at learning he was Jewish, he said.

‘My first thought was what am I going to tell people? What am I going to tell the boys? Should I admit it or not? I was angry, sad, scared, unsure.’

He was unable to look in the mirror, he said, because he hated what he saw – a Jew.

But as he came to terms with his identity he approached Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich, who became a mentor to the couple.

Pawel, now 33, added that he does have regrets – ‘but it’s not something that I walk around and lash myself over’.

‘I feel sorry for those that I beat up but I don’t hold a grudge against myself,’ he explained. ‘The people who I hurt can hold a grudge against me.’

Today, the couple are active members of the Jewish community in Warsaw.

Pawel is studying to work in a slaughterhouse killing animals according to the Jewish Kosher requirement and Ola is working in the synagogue’s kitchen as a kosher supervisor.

Rabbi Shudrich paid tribute to them for having the courage to turn their lives around.

‘The fact that they were skinheads actually increased the amount of respect I have for them,’ he said to CNN.

‘That they could’ve been where they were, understood that that was not the right way, then embraced rather than run away the fact that they were part of the people who they used to hate.

‘I think also it says on a personal level, never write somebody off. Where they may be 10 years ago doesn’t have to be where they are today.

And the human being has this unlimited capability of changing and sometimes even for the better,’ he added.

The white power skinhead revival in the seventies and eighties became closely identified with racist and anti-Semitic attacks and spread to Europe and parts of North America.

According to a 2007 report by the Anti-Defamation League, skinhead groups have becoming more active in the U.S. in recent years, with a particular focus on non-white immigration.

(Source: Daily Mail UK)

12 Responses

  1. I’m not sure why enahak thinks that “handling food for other jews is not an acceptable occupation for them.” This is an incredible story of teshuva, and even the righteous cannot stand where a baal teshuva can.

  2. enahak: I assume you didn’t fast or daven on Yom Kippur as you seem incapable of understanding what tshuva is all about.

    please post your real name so that the rest of us know who the apikorsim on this site are so that we can stay far away from you.

    go take a look at the gemora in Sanhedrin 96… you might just get a shock

  3. “Pawel, now 33, added that he does have regrets – ‘but it’s not something that I walk around and lash myself over’.
    ‘I feel sorry for those that I beat up but I don’t hold a grudge against myself,’ he explained. ‘The people who I hurt can hold a grudge against me.’”

    I don’t know, but something about those comments bother me. While I give them credit for turning their lives around, I feel those remarks show that there is not complete remorse for what he did. True, at the time he did not know he was Jewish and he truly hated Jews. But now that he knows the truth and has embraced Judaism, he SHOULD be “lashing himself and holding a grudge against himself” Don’t get me wrong – I don’t think he should be constantly beating himself up over it, but it just seems as if he doesn’t feel any real guilt. Maybe I’m being too harsh, but it’s just a gut feeling I have. I’m curious to hear what others think about this.

  4. stzc18 , I ask you this question, a person who does real teshuva is he supposed to believe that he is forgiven? Or is he supposed to walk around and continue to lash himself? He understands that others should hold a grudge against him and choose not to forgive him for his ignorance and stupidity, but is he supposed to kill himself or is he supposed to teach others not to be as ignorant as he once was?

  5. To me, the fact that they found out they are Jewish and only after realized that their past was wrong sickens me. Regardless of what religion someone is, murdering innocent men, women, and children is completely wrong. I certainly WILL hold a grudge upon them.

    Its sickening that people would compare these wicked people to bal teshuvas or converts. A bal teshuva and a convert may have just not kept shabbos, or kosher, or any of the mitzvos. So what- so a bal teshuva never had the privilege to shake a lulav before in his life, but that doesn’t make him have a murderous past. These individuals tortured Jews and gentile human beings alike.

  6. Aries2756, Being sorry for what one did is a required part of t’shuva and being forgiven. And what does “ve’chatasi negdi tamid” mean?

  7. jewishflorida
    wow take it easy relax im not sure if you know but tsuvah is possible on everything even on deeds the likes that the couple did.They only said that finding out that they were jewish triggered their change of ways there have been plenty of stories like this throughout the jewish history cmon get with the program

  8. #8:
    Nobody said anything about these people ever “murdering innocent men, women, and children”. They may have beat people up, but that is quite different from murder.

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