Poll: Paladino Within Six Points Of Cuomo

A stunning new poll this morning shows Democratic Attorney General Andrew Cuomo holding a mere six point lead over bomb throwing Buffalo businessman Carl Paladino in what until now has been Cuomo’s runaway race for governor.

The startling Quinnipiac University survey of likely voters showed Cuomo ahead of Republican Paladino by 49-43 percent, a far cry from the 60-23 percent lead he held in a Quinnipiac poll of registered – but not necessarily likely – voters released Sept. 1.

Since the poll’s margin of error is plus- or minus-3.6 percent, the findings – if accurate — mean the race between the popular and well-known attorney general and the little-known but highly controversial, Tea Party-linked, Paladino could be a dead heat.

The new poll did not ask voters if they backed Conservative Party candidate Rick Lazio, even though he’s expected to be on the November 2 ballot draining votes from Paladino, who defeated him in last week’s GOP primary.

The new poll found Paladino leading Cuomo among Tea Party backers by a whopping 4-1 margin.

While just 18 percent of likely voters consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement, they supported Paladino 77 – 18 percent.

Cuomo led among Democrats, 87-8 percent, while Paladino was ahead among Republicans, 83-13 percent.

The crucial difference appeared to be among self-styled independent voters, who picked Paladino over Cuomo, 49-43 percent.

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(Source: NY Post)

4 Responses

  1. Charlie Hall: Does Quinnipiac favor Republicans as well?
    Next time be competent enough to realize that all polls besides Rasmussen use the flawed method of polling registered voters. This poll used the accurate system and it got even closer results than Rasmussen. Seems like Rasmussen isn’t that Republican leaning at all. Now, maybe Quinnipiac borrowed Gallup’s crayons…

  2. Bomb throwing????

    He has been accused of many things, but no one has accused him of throwing explosive devices.

    If one is referring to rhetorical bombs (bombast might be a more correct phrase), this seems to be the year for such (the birthers and Michael Moore seemed to have started a trend – though accusing the Republican candidate in Delaware of being a witch is still probably in first place for verbal terrorism, though calling Mr. Silver the “antichrist”. devil in more common parlance, is close).

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