Bedbugs Found In Niketown NYC

Bedbugs have infiltrated yet another NYC apparel giant — this time it was Niketown, the company’s flagship store on East 57th St., that was forced to close Saturday.

Disappointed shoppers were greeted with locked doors and windows covered in brown paper as the store prepares to exterminate the pesky critters.

Niketown is just the latest in a series of high-profile infestations that include clothing giant Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria’s Secret, the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn district attorney’s office and the Time Warner Center.

Nike has not yet commented on the extent of the bedbug problem.

Pest control company Terminix ranks New York City as the number one most bedbug-infested city in the country.

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(Source: WPIX)

2 Responses

  1. This is hysterical. Cities all over the country are boycotting Arizona because they don’t believe in law enforcement, or they call law enforcement “racism” and “bigotry”. NYC should be the boycott target. How many tourists will it take to spread this bedbug plague throughout the nation? NYC has always been infested with something bad, only this infestation is virtually invisible.

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