Six Days of Reading & Eating (in the Sukkah!): Exclusive Savings for YWN Readers

As the double three-day Yom Tov of Sukkos approaches, (with no Yeshiva World News to read…), Israel Bookshop Publications is offering a special 20% discount exclusively to YWN readers, who order via our website.

Simply enter Coupon Code: YWNSUKKOS10 into the required field to receive 20% off of list price on our entire line of books,* from now until Erev Sukkos, September 22, 2010.

Some of our newest releases include:

  1. Torah Tavlin II – by Rabbi Dovid Hoffman, author of Torah Tavlin I, Heroes of Spirit, and the Torah Tavlin Haggadah. Stories and Sayings, Wit and Wisdom from Our Torah Leaders, Arranged Daily According to the Parsha of the Week. One of our favorites!
  2. Shortchanged – a novel by Etka Gitel Schwartz, well-known Binah columnist and popular author of historical fiction. Originally serialized in
    Binah Magazine to rave reviews, this volume contains
    over 100 pages of BONUS content not included in the serial….
  3. Changing Tides – a novel by Devora Weiner, bestselling author of Hearts of Gold I & II, White Ice, Escape to Reality, Silent Dreams, & From the Shadchan’s Wife. Four friends, forever…each with their own secrets and insecurities. Meeting them…is like meeting yourself.
  4. A Time to Laugh; A Time to Listen 2 – by Rabbi Yehoshua Kurland. More humor, more lessons, more inspiration! Thoughts that open the heart and stir the soul through simchah….
  5. Struggle to the Summit – A True Medical Drama by Rivka Zucker, edited by Shaindy Perl. A dangerous neurological condition, and an even more dangerous surgery in hopes of correcting it…follow Rivka’s odyssey of Providence and perseverance. You’ll be inspired to no end!
  6. Cornerstone of Chinuch – by Rabbi Yonoson Yodaiken. Veteran mechanech and head of the Chareidi school system in the UK, Rabbi Yodaiken shares with us his Framework for Developing Good Middos in Our Children.
  7. The At Home Gourmet Cookbook – by Sarah M. Lasry. Popular author of The Dairy Gourmet, Sarah now takes you into her home kitchen for a complete menu of dairy, pareve, and meat dishes that will delight friends and family this Yom Tov season and year round. A super Yom Tov gift idea!

Enjoy, and Chag Sameach from Israel Bookshop Publications and YWN!

*Exclusions Apply.

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