Brooklyn: Would-Be Burglar Shot By Homeowner

A homeowner in Brooklyn shot and seriously wounded a would-be burglar early this morning, police said.

Larry Goldstein, 62, of Mill Basin was awoken shortly before 2 a.m. when he and his wife heard noise downstairs.

He grabbed his licensed revolver and went to investigate when he saw two intruders brandishing guns, sources told The Post.

Goldstein opened fire hitting one intruder three times while his accomplice fled.

The wounded man, identified, as Alexander Manigat, of 371 E. 35th Street in Brooklyn, was taken to Brookdale Hospital in critical condition with two gunshot wounds to his torso and one time in the arm.

Manigat was placed under arrest.

Goldstein, a retired schoolteacher, has not been charged.

Neighbors praised Goldstein’s actions.

“If somebody were to break into my house and try to harm my family, there’s very little that’s gonna come between me and my family” local resident Mike Reinhardt told WPIX. “I hope the perpetrator is hurting [and] he learns his lesson so he can share his story with other people about breaking into other people’s houses.”

Police said there had been several break-ins and home invasions in the neighborhood in recent months.

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(Source: NY Post)

10 Responses

  1. Way to go Larry. Im schepping nachas. Thats the way to defend your family! He should actually be on the police force, he was able to hit the guy!

  2. #5 — I’m schepping nachas from your comment. When most big city police departments transitioned in the 1980s from revolvers, that hold only six cartridges, to semi-automatic pistols that hold as many as seventeen, the volume of lead launched at miscreants increased exponentially with a far lower ratio of hits to rounds fired. Imagine living 150 years ago when early repeating firearms were rare or unavailable. Marksmanship is markedly improved when you know your first and only shot must count!

  3. When people get shot for breaking into peoples house you know what is going to happen??????????????

    The crime rate goes down. I have worked with communities
    and seen this in action. It is one thing to break in and go some goods and go and it is another thing to be worrying about getting shot by the owner. It becomes not such a good idea. Larry a GUT GEBENTCH YOR

  4. It is pathetic, that if this exact scenario were to take place in Israel, where most of the break-ins are done by arabs, if someone would shoot them (even not put them in serious condition) there would be a whole worldwide political uproar of Jew vs. Arab and even the Israeli government would probably feel forced to arrest and persecute the “offender” (homeowner trying to protect his family)…!

  5. REMEMBER!!!
    If this guy had NOT had a gun, this story probably would have had a VERY different ending.
    The homeowner and his wife could have been the ones that ended up in the hospital – or worse!
    The moral of the story:
    Better to have a gun and not need it,
    than to need a gun and not have it!

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