NYC Moves Ahead With Expanded Smoking Ban

After considering the issue for months, Mayor Michael Bloomberg today is expected to announce the expansion of the city’s Smoke Free Air Act.

The legislation will snuff out smoking at city beaches and parks.

The city has 14 miles of beaches and about 1,700 parks, playgrounds, and recreation facilities.

Bloomberg sparked controversy when he successfully lobbied the City Council in 2003 to ban smoking in bars in restaurants, but the measure has since gained widespread acceptance.

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(Source: NY1)

5 Responses

  1. Great news. I wish Israel and the Netherlands would do the same. Or how about simply banning smoking altogether, together with alcohol.

  2. In countries that enacted smoking bans in public places, within a few months ER admissions for heart attacks for NON-smokers went down by more than a quarter. This sounds like literally a life saver. Do everything you can to encourage young people not to start smoking, they get hooked before they’re mature enough to appreciate what they’re doing to their future lives.

  3. After a few months it went down by more than a quarter?
    Do you have any source for this, for some reason I find this VERY hard to believe.

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