Satmar Kapparos Center Gets Visit By ASPCA; Owner Chickens Out

Boro Park, BY – A Brooklyn man said the ASPCA all but forced him to stop the controversial tradition at his feather-strewn business yesterday.

“[The ASPCA workers] were ready to call the Health Department,” said the man, who runs the seasonal “Satmar Kapparos Center” out of a parking lot at 12th Avenue and 48th Street in Borough Park.

“They asked me what I was feeding [the birds]. I said challah and water,” said the man, who refused to reveal his name. “They said, ‘No, you have to feed them grain.’ “

According to Jewish tradition, people wave a bird over their head to “transfer” their sins to it. It’s then killed.

An ASPCA rep said the agency “visited the center . . . to investigate a cruelty complaint and found no violation of . . . laws. The man decided to remove the chickens on his own.”

Have you checked out yet?

(Source: NY Post)

10 Responses

  1. I have to say that the way it is depicted in the post is bothersome.

    “It is the killed”? It sounds like they take the chicken after kapporos and stomp on it or twist its neck. They make it sound like santeria, that the bird is killed and its blood is smeared and all sorts of voodoo. Sure the bird is killed, it is geshochten before it is eaten. Just like all chickens killed before they are eaten. Even non jews generally kill the chickens before they eat them.

  2. Considering the source in the New York Post, whic is known for sensationalism, not accuracy, you can be certain that these is more to the story that we see here.

  3. Moderator-80, don’t forget that the Christian outlook is that Yushka died for their sins. In their worldview, since we are soooo bad that we don’t even worship the god/man that we killed as our “lord and savior”, it follows that if we’re shechting something else that we must be doing it in order to get vicarious atonement. Understand that these are bedrock principles of their religion, and if you tell them that Hashem cares at all about tefila, teshuva or tzedaka it just does not compute.

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